CorelDraw 101 pg 6: Production Graphics with Wendy Peck at | 3 | WebReference

CorelDraw 101 pg 6: Production Graphics with Wendy Peck at | 3


CorelDraw 101: Starting your page right

Create a Grid



Grid Setup
Choose View, Grid and Ruler Setup from the Main Menu. Choose Grid from the Options List.





Set Grid Frequency
Decide how many grid increments you require for your page. If you require more than one grid increment per inch, choose Frequency and enter the number of Horizontal and Vertical increments per inch. If you require grid lines to appear at 1" or greater intervals, choose Spacing and enter the spacing you desire between grid lines.





Change Grid Display
Choose View, Grid and Guidelines Setup from Main Menu. Choose Grid and Show Grid as Dots. Grid lines are easier to follow as you work, but viewing the grid as dots does not affect the visual appearance of your work area as much as solid lines. You can change back and forth between these options.





Set Snap to Grid
Choose View, Snap to Grid to force your objects to snap to the grid when you place them close to a grid line. This makes exact positioning very fast. Choose View, Snap to Grid to turn off Snap to Grid.


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CorelDraw 101 Tutorial Index

Set Page Size/Orientation
Page Layout (Booklet)
Label Setup
Setting Page Background
Setup Guidelines
Create a Grid
Set Workspace Rulers
Edit Page Properties

Front page234568

Created: December 11, 2000
Revised: December 11, 2000