Text as Design pg 6: Production Graphics with Wendy Peck at webreference.com | WebReference

Text as Design pg 6: Production Graphics with Wendy Peck at webreference.com


Text as Design 6: Seeing Through


Transparency is one of the most valuable tools when creating artistic text. An image or text showing through another graphic adds energy, texture and depth to the page. It is also a wonderful way to put across a message in a subtle way.

In each of the examples below, the same font was used and a copy created. The transparency was applied to the second image with that image in the foreground. In all cases, transparency can be applied to text objects.

PhotoShop: Transparency is set through the Layers window. Right click on the layer to be affected or click on the fly-out at the top of the menu and choose Layer Options. Set the Opacity to desired level (100 is no transparency, 0 is invisible).
PaintShop Pro: Transparency is set through the Layers Palette. Open the Layers Palette, if necessary, and move mouse over the Layers Palette bar to expand. Choose the layer for which transparency will be set. Set the transparency with the slider opposite the active layer title. (100 is no transparency, 0 is invisible).
CorelDraw: Transparency is set through Lens Effect. Select object. Choose Effects>Lens from the Main Menu. Choose Transparency from the drop down menu. Choose transparency (0 is no transparency, 100 is invisible). You can also select the color at this point if you have not already done so. Click Apply to finish.
Fireworks: Transparency is set through the Object tab in the Object window. Move the slider to change transparency (100 is no transparency, 0 is invisible).


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Text as Design Tutorial Index

Text as Design Start
Outline:PShop/PS Pro
Outline: CorelDraw/Fireworks
Mix: PShop/PS Pro
Mix: CorelDraw/Fireworks
Seeing Through
Mix: Flash
Flash Outlines/Graduated Fills
Text Resources

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URL: https://www.webreference.com/graphics/
Created: Feb. 16, 2000
Revised: Feb. 16, 2000