CorelDraw 101: All About Fills pg 7: Production Graphics with Wendy Peck at | WebReference

CorelDraw 101: All About Fills pg 7: Production Graphics with Wendy Peck at


CorelDraw 101: All About Fills

Creating Square Fountain Fills



Create or Select Object
Fills can be applied to any closed object. Select any object with the Pick Tool (create an object if necessary). You can select multiple objects and the fill you choose will be applied to all selected objects.






Choose Square Fountain Fill
Click on the Fill Tool in the Toolbox. Choose the second icon to open the Fountain Fill window. Choose Square in the Type drop-down selection box.






Choose Colors
Choose Two Color in the Color Blend section of the Fountain Fill window. (See Custom Fountain Fill tutorial for the Custom setting.) Click on the From button to choose the first color. Choose from the preset selection, or click on Others to access full CorelDraw color selection. Click on the To button to choose your second color in the same way. The sample in the upper right corner of the window previews your colors as you choose them.






Set Fountain Fill Midpoint
Click and drag on the Midpoint selector in the Color Blend section of the Fountain Fill Dialog Box. This setting determines where the blending of the two colors occurs. A lower number begins the color blend at a point closer to the first color. You can see your results in the sample preview in the upper right corner of the window.






Choose Fountain Fill Angle
Set Angle numerically or click on the up or down selectors to change angle. The up arrows rotate the angle in a counterclockwise direction. The down arrows rotate the angle in a clockwise direction.






Set Edge Pad
Set a percentage value in the Edge Pad dialog box found in the Options section of the window. This setting will provide a pad of solid color at the edges of the object. In this example, the fountain effect will cover only 80% of the object. The outer 10% will be filled with the first color and the inner 10% will be filled with the second color.



Next page

CorelDraw 101: All About Fills Tutorial Index

Fill Tool Overview
Creating Solid Fills
Fountain Fill Overview
Linear Fountain Fill
Radial Fountain Fill
Conical Fountain Fill
Square Fountain Fill
Custom Fountain Fill

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Created: June 11, 2001
Revised: June 11, 2001