CorelDraw 101: All About Fills pg 3: Production Graphics with Wendy Peck at | WebReference

CorelDraw 101: All About Fills pg 3: Production Graphics with Wendy Peck at


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CorelDraw 101: All About Fills

Fountain Fill Overview



Fountain Fill Window
Fountain fills allow you to automatically blend two or more colors within an object. Use fountain fills to create a 3D appearance in graphics, or to add soft blending effects to your drawings. CorelDraw offers exceptional control over fountain fills through the easy to use Fountain Fill editing window. Select any object with the Pick Tool. Choose the Fill Tool to open the fly-out, and choose the second icon to open the Fountain Fill window.






Linear Fountain Fills
Linear fountain fills blend color from edge to edge. The samples to the left show a linear fill from medium green to a light green. The lower sample shows a 45 degree rotation of the fill. See Linear Fountain Fills in this series for step-by-step instructions.






Radial Fountain Fills
Radial fountain fills blend color in a circular pattern. You can create instant 3D spheres with a couple of steps with radial fills. In the illustration to the left, the upper circle is filled with default settings. The lower circle has the center point adjusted, the fill blend moved towards the lighter color and a pad of solid edge color added to it. See Linear Fountain Fills in this series for step-by-step instructions.






Conical Fountain Fills
Conical fountain fills create a cone like appearance with the conical point appearing higher than the edges. In the illustration to the left, the top sample is filled with default conical fill settings. The bottom sample has had the color midpoint, the center offset and the fountain angle adjusted. See Conical Fountain Fills in this series for step-by-step instructions.






Square Fountain Fills
Square fountain fills apply color blends in a square pattern. In the sample to the left, the top text is set with default values. The lower sample fill has adjusted center point, color midpoint, angle and color edge padding. See Square Fountain Fills in this series for step-by-step instructions.






Custom Color Fountain Fills
Fountain fills really start to get exciting when you add more colors to the blending mix. In the sample to the left, a simple linear fill comes to life with the addition of two complementary colors. The lower sample has been further enhanced by changing the angle of the fill and creating a solid color edge padding. See Custom Fountain Fills in this series for step-by-step instructions.



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CorelDraw 101: All About Fills Tutorial Index

Fill Tool Overview
Creating Solid Fills
Fountain Fill Overview
Linear Fountain Fill
Radial Fountain Fill
Conical Fountain Fill
Square Fountain Fill
Custom Fountain Fill

Front page2345678

Created: June 11, 2001
Revised: June 11, 2001