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WebReference.com - Chapter 17 of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (4th Ed), from O'Reilly & Associates (7/15)

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JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (4th Ed)

Finding Specific Elements in a Document

The ability to traverse all nodes in a document tree gives us the power to find specific nodes. When programming with the DOM API, it is quite common to need a particular node within the document or a list of nodes of a specific type within the document. Fortunately, the DOM API provides functions that make this easy for us.

In Example 17-2, we referred to the <body> element of an HTML document with the JavaScript expression document.body. The body property of the Document object is a convenient special-case property and is the preferred way to refer to the <body> tag of an HTML document. If this convenience property did not exist, however, we could also refer to the <body> tag like this:


This expression calls the Document object's getElementsByTagName( ) method and selects the first element of the returned array. The call to getElementsByTagName( ) returns an array of all <body> elements within the document. Since HTML documents can have only one <body>, we know that we're interested in the first element of the returned array.[1]

You can use getElementsByTagName( ) to obtain a list of any type of HTML element. For example, to find all the tables within a document, you'd do this:

var tables = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
alert("This document contains " + tables.length + " tables"); 

Note that since HTML tags are not case-sensitive, the strings passed to getElementsByTagName( ) are also not case-sensitive. That is, the previous code finds <table> tags even if they are coded as <TABLE>. getElementsByTagName( ) returns elements in the order in which they appear in the document. Finally, if you pass the special string "*" to getElementsByTagName( ), it returns a list of all the elements in the document, in the order in which they appear. (This special usage is not supported in IE 5 and IE 5.5. See instead the IE-specific Document.all[] array in the client-side reference section.)

Sometimes you don't want a list of elements but instead want to operate on a single specific element of a document. If you know a lot about the structure of the document, you may be able to use getElementsByTagName( ). For example, if you want to do something to the fourth paragraph in a document, you might use this code:

var myParagraph = document.getElementsByTagName("p")[3]; 

This typically is not the best (nor the most efficient) technique, however, because it depends so heavily on the structure of the document; a new paragraph inserted at the beginning of the document would break the code. Instead, when you need to manipulate specific elements of a document, it is best to give those elements an id attribute that specifies a unique (within the document) name for the element. Then you can look up your desired element by its ID. For example, you might code the special fourth paragraph of your document with a tag like this:

<p id="specialParagraph"> 

You can then look up the node for that paragraph with JavaScript code like this:

var myParagraph = document.getElementById("specialParagraph"); 

Note that the getElementById( ) method does not return an array of elements like getElementsByTagName( ) does. Because the value of every id attribute is (or is supposed to be) unique, getElementById( ) returns only the single element with the matching id attribute. getElementById( ) is an important method, and its use is quite common in DOM programming.

getElementById( ) and getElementsByTagName( ) are both methods of the Document object. Element objects also define a getElementsByTagName( ) method, however. This method of the Element object behaves just like the method of the Document object, except that it returns only elements that are descendants of the element on which it is invoked. Instead of searching the entire document for elements of a specific type, it searches only within the given element. This makes it possible, for example, to use getElementById( ) to find a specific element and then to use getElementsByTagName( ) to find all descendants of a given type within that specific tag. For example:

// Find a specific Table element within a document and count its rows
var tableOfContents = document.getElementById("TOC");
var rows = tableOfContents.getElementsByTagName("tr");
var numrows = rows.length;

Finally, note that for HTML documents, the HTMLDocument object also defines a getElementsByName( ) method. This method is like getElementById( ), but it looks at the name attribute of elements rather than the id attribute. Also, because the name attribute is not expected to be unique within a document (for example, radio buttons within HTML forms usually have the same name), getElementsByName( ) returns an array of elements rather than a single element. For example:

// Find <a name="top">
var link = document.getElementsByName("top")[0];
// Find all <input type="radio" name="shippingMethod"> elements
var choices = document.getElementsByName("shippingMethod");

1. Technically, the DOM API specifies that getElementsByTagName( ) returns a NodeList object. In the JavaScript binding of the DOM, NodeList objects behave like arrays and are typically used that way.

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Created: November 28, 2001
Revised: November 28, 2001

URL: https://webreference.com/programming/javascript/definitive/chap17/7.html