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WebReference.com - Chapter 17 of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (4th Ed), from O'Reilly & Associates (4/15)

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JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (4th Ed)

DOM Conformance

At the time of this writing, no browser is completely conformant to the DOM standard. Recent releases of Mozilla come closest, and complete DOM Level 2 conformance is a goal of the Mozilla project. Netscape 6.1 does a good job of conforming to the most important Level 2 modules, and Netscape 6.0 does an adequate job but has gaps in its coverage. Internet Explorer 6 is mostly compliant (with at least one annoying exception) with the Level 1 DOM, but does not support many of the Level 2 modules -- most notably the Events module, which is the topic of Chapter 19. Internet Explorer 5 and 5.5 have substantial gaps in their conformance but support key DOM Level 1 methods well enough to run most of the examples in this chapter. The Macintosh version of IE 5 has considerably better support for the DOM than the Windows version of IE 5.

In addition to Mozilla, Netscape, and Internet Explorer, several other browsers offer at least partial support for the DOM. The number of available browsers has become too large, and the rate of change in the area of standards support has grown too fast, for this book to even attempt to provide definitive statements about which browsers support which particular DOM features. Therefore, you'll have to rely on other information sources to determine exactly how conformant the DOM implementation in any particular web browser is.

One source for conformance information is the implementation itself. In a conformant implementation, the implementation property of the Document object refers to a DOMImplementation object that defines a method named hasFeature( ). You can use this method (if it exists) to ask an implementation whether it supports a specific feature (or module) of the DOM standard. For example, to determine whether the DOM implementation in a web browser supports the basic DOM Level 1 interfaces for working with HTML documents, you could use the following code:

if (document.implementation &&
    document.implementation.hasFeature &&
    document.implementation.hasFeature("html", "1.0")) {
    // The browser claims to support Level 1 
    // Core and HTML interfaces

The hasFeature( ) method takes two arguments: the first is the name of the feature to check, and the second is a version number, expressed as a string. It returns true if the specified version of the specified feature is supported. Table 17-3 lists the feature name/version number pairs that are defined by the DOM Level 1 and Level 2 standards. Note that the feature names are case-insensitive: you can capitalize them any way you choose. The fourth column of the table specifies what other features are required for support of a feature and are therefore implied by a return value of true. For example, if hasFeature( ) indicates that the MouseEvents module is supported, this implies that UIEvents is also supported, which in turn implies that the Events, Views, and Core modules are supported.

Feature name






Level 1 Core and HTML interfaces




Level 1 Core and XML interfaces




Level 2 Core interfaces




Level 2 HTML interfaces




Level 2 XML-specific interfaces




AbstractView interface




Generic style-sheet traversal




CSS styles

Core, Views



CSS2Properties interface




Event-handling infrastructure




User-interface events (plus Events and Views)

Events, Views



Mouse events




HTML events




Document mutation events




Document range interfaces




Document traversal interfaces


Table 17-3: Features that can be tested with hasFeature( )

In Internet Explorer 6 (on Windows), hasFeature( ) returns true only for the feature HTML and Version 1.0. It does not report compliance to any of the other features listed in Table 17-3 (although, as we'll see in Chapter 18, it supports the most common uses of the CSS2 module.) In Netscape 6.1, hasFeature( ) returns true for most feature names and version numbers, with the notable exceptions of the Traversal and MutationEvents features. It returns false for the Core and CSS2 features with Version 2.0, indicating incomplete support (even though support for these features is quite good).

This book documents the interfaces that make up all of the DOM modules listed in Table 17-3. The Core, HTML, Traversal, and Range modules are covered in this chapter. The StyleSheets, CSS, and CSS2 modules are covered in Chapter 18, and the various Event modules (except MutationEvents) are covered in Chapter 19. The DOM reference section includes complete coverage of all modules.

The hasFeature( ) method is not always perfectly reliable. As previously noted, IE 6 reports Level 1 compliance to HTML features even though there are some problems with its compliance. On the other hand, Netscape 6.1 reports noncompliance to the Level 2 Core feature even though it is mostly compliant. In both cases, you need more detailed information about exactly what is and is not compliant. This is exactly the type of information that is too voluminous and volatile to include in a printed book.

If you are an active web developer, you undoubtedly already know or will discover many browser-specific support details on your own. There are also resources on the Web that can help you. Most importantly, the W3C (in collaboration with the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology) is working on developing an open source test suite for DOM implementations. At the time of this writing, the test suite effort is just getting off the ground, but it ought to prove to be an invaluable resource for fine-grained compliance testing of DOM implementations. See https://www.w3c.org/DOM/Test/ for details.

The Mozilla organization has a set of test suites for a variety of standards, including DOM Level 1 (available at https://www.mozilla.org/quality/browser_sc.html). Netscape has published a test suite that includes some DOM Level 2 tests (available at https://developer.netscape.com/evangelism/tools/testsuites/). Netscape has also published a partisan (and dated) comparison of DOM compliance of an early Mozilla release versus IE 5.5 (available at https://home.netscape.com/browsers/future/standards.html). Finally, you can also find compatibility and compliance information at independent sites on the Web. One notable site is published by Peter-Paul Koch. You can find a link to his DOM Compatibility Table from his main JavaScript page (https://www.xs4all.nl/~ppk/js/).

DOM conformance in Internet Explorer

Because IE is the most widely used web browser, a few special notes about its compliance to the DOM specifications are appropriate here. IE 5 and later versions support the Level 1 Core and HTML features well enough to run the examples in this chapter, and they support the key Level 2 CSS features well enough to run most of the examples in Chapter 18. Unfortunately, IE 5, 5.5, and 6 do not support the DOM Level 2 Events module, even though Microsoft participated in the definition of this module and had ample time to implement it for IE 6. As we'll see in Chapter 19, event handling is crucial for client-side event handling, and IE's lack of support for the standard event model impedes the development of advanced client-side web applications.

Although IE 6 claims (through its hasFeature( ) method) to support the Core and HTML interfaces of the DOM Level 1 standard, this support is actually incomplete. The most egregious problem, and the one you are most likely to encounter, is a minor but annoying one: IE does not support the node-type constants defined by the Node interface. Recall that each node in a document has a nodeType property that specifies what type of node it is. The DOM specification also says that the Node interface defines constants that represent each of the defined node types. For example, the constant Node.ELEMENT_NODE represents an Element node. In IE (at least as high as version 6), these constants simply do not exist.

The examples in this chapter have been modified to work around this problem by using integer literals instead of the corresponding symbolic constants. For example, you'll see code like this:

if (n.nodeType == 1 /*Node.ELEMENT_NODE*/)  // Check if n is an Element

It is good programming style to use constants instead of hardcoded integer literals in your code, and if you'd like to do this portably, you can include the following code in your programs to define these constants if they are missing:

if (!window.Node) {
    var Node = {            // If there is no Node object, define one
        ELEMENT_NODE: 1,    // with the following properties and values.
        ATTRIBUTE_NODE: 2,  // Note that these are HTML node types only.
        TEXT_NODE: 3,       // For XML-specific nodes, you need to add
        COMMENT_NODE: 8,    // other constants here.
        DOCUMENT_NODE: 9,

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Created: November 28, 2001
Revised: November 28, 2001

URL: https://webreference.com/programming/javascript/definitive/chap17/4.html