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JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (4th Ed)
The DOM standard was designed for use with both XML and HTML documents. The core DOM API -- the Node, Element, Document, and other interfaces -- are relatively generic and apply to both types of documents. The DOM standard also includes interfaces that are specific to HTML documents. As you can see from Figure 17-2, HTMLDocument is an HTML-specific subinterface of Document, and HTMLElement is an HTML-specific subinterface of Element. Furthermore, the DOM defines tag-specific interfaces for many HTML elements. These tag-specific interfaces, such as HTMLBodyElement and HTMLTitleElement, typically define a set of properties that mirror the HTML tag's attributes.
The HTMLDocument interface defines various document properties and methods that were supported by browsers prior to W3C standardization. These include the location
property, forms[]
array, and write( )
method, which are described in Chapters 13, 14, and 15.
The HTMLElement interface defines id
, style
, title
, lang
, dir
, and className
properties. These properties allow convenient access to the values of the id
, style
, title
, lang
, dir
, and class
attributes, which are allowed on all HTML tags. A number of HTML tags, listed in Table 17-2, accept no attributes other than these six, and so are fully represented by the HTMLElement interface.
<abbr> |
<acronym> |
<address> |
<b> |
<bdo> |
<big> |
<center> |
<cite> |
<code> |
<dd> |
<dfn> |
<dt> |
<em> |
<i> |
<kbd> |
<noframes> |
<noscript> |
<s> |
<samp> |
<small> |
<span> |
<strike> |
<strong> |
<sub> |
<sup> |
<tt> |
<u> |
<var> |
Table 17-2: Simple HTML tags
All other HTML tags have corresponding interfaces defined by the HTML portion of the DOM specification. For many HTML tags, these interfaces do nothing more than provide a set of properties that mirror their HTML attributes. For example, the <ul>
tag has a corresponding HTMLUListElement interface, and the <body>
tag has a corresponding HTMLBodyElement interface. Because these interfaces simply define properties that are standardized by the HTML standard, they are not documented in detail in this book. You can safely assume that the HTMLElement object that represents a particular HTML tag has properties for each of the standard attributes for that tag (but see the naming conventions described in the next section). Note that the DOM standard defines properties for HTML attributes as a "convenience" to script writers. The general (and possibly preferred) way to query and set attribute values is with the getAttribute( )
and setAttribute( )
methods of the Element object.
Some of the interfaces defined in the HTML DOM define additional properties or methods, other than those that mirror HTML attribute values. For example, the HTMLInputElement interface defines focus( )
and blur( )
methods, and the HTMLFormElement interface defines submit( )
and reset( )
methods and a length
property. Methods and properties like these typically predate DOM standardization and have been made part of the DOM standard for backward compatibility with existing practice. Interfaces like these are documented in the DOM reference section. You can usually also find information about the "existing practice" portions of these interfaces in the client-side reference section, although this information is typically referenced under a name that also predates DOM standardization; for example, you can find information about HTMLFormElement and HTMLInputElement in the client-side reference section under "Form" and "Input."
HTML naming conventions
When working with the HTML-specific portions of the DOM standard, you should be aware of some simple naming conventions. Properties of the HTML-specific interfaces begin with lowercase letters. If the property name consists of multiple words, the first letters of the second and subsequent words are capitalized. Thus, the maxlength
attribute of the <input>
tag translates into the maxLength
property of HTMLInputElement.
When an HTML attribute name conflicts with a JavaScript keyword, it is prefixed with the string "html" to avoid the conflict. Thus, the for
attribute of the <label>
tag translates to the htmlFor
property of the HTMLLabelElement. An exception to this rule is the class
attribute (which can be specified for any HTML element); it translates to the className
property of HTMLElement.[1]
DOM Levels and Features
There are two versions, or "levels," of the DOM standard. DOM Level 1 was standardized in October, 1998. It defines the core DOM interfaces, such as Node, Element, Attr, and Document, and also defines various HTML-specific interfaces. DOM Level 2 was standardized in November, 2000.[2] In addition to some updates to the core interfaces, this new version of the DOM is greatly expanded to define standard APIs for working with document events and CSS style sheets and to provide additional tools for working with ranges of documents. As of this writing, the DOM Working Group at the W3C is working to standardize DOM Level 3. You may also sometimes see a reference to DOM Level 0. This term does not refer to any formal standard but is used to refer informally to the common features of the HTML document object models implemented by Netscape and Internet Explorer prior to W3C standardization.
As of Level 2, the DOM standard has been "modularized." The core module, which defines the basic tree structure of a document with the Document, Node, Element, and Text interfaces (among others), is the only required module. All other modules are optional and may or may not be supported, depending on the needs of the implementation. The DOM implementation of a web browser would obviously support the HTML module, since web documents are written in HTML. Browsers that support CSS style sheets typically support the StyleSheets and CSS modules, because (as we'll see in Chapter 18) CSS styles play a crucial role in Dynamic HTML programming. Similarly, since almost all interesting client-side JavaScript programming requires event-handling capabilities, you would expect web browsers to support the Events module of the DOM specification. Unfortunately, the Events module was only recently defined by the DOM Level 2 specification and is not yet widely supported at the time of this writing. We'll see a complete list of DOM Level 2 modules in the next section.
1. The name
is misleading, because in addition to specifying a single class name, this property (and the HTML attribute it represents) can also specify a space-separated list of class names.2. Except for the HTML-specific portions of the standard, which at the time of this writing are still at the "working draft" stage. Fortunately, however, the current draft standard is hardly changed from the HTML-specific portions of the Level 1 standard, so the lack of Level 2 standardization is not a serious problem.
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Created: November 28, 2001
Revised: November 28, 2001
URL: https://webreference.com/programming/javascript/definitive/chap17/3.html