Using JavaScript in HoTMetaL PRO 6.0 | WebReference

Using JavaScript in HoTMetaL PRO 6.0

Using JavaScript in HoTMetaL PRO 6.0

In this column we review the JavaScript support in HoTMetaL PRO 6.0, from SoftQuad Software Inc. In HoTMetaL, JavaScript support is based on macros. HoTMetaL provides you with a very rich set of resources and objects to write these objects. It includes several new objects as well as an access to the DOM. In addition, HoTMetaL supports a few ActiveX controls. The combination of these controls with the Windows scripting support makes HoTMetaL a very rich environment for JavaScript developers. If you want to compare HoTMetaL PRO 6.0 to HomeSite 4.0, refer to Column 48, Using JavaScript in HomeSite 4.0, Part I, Column 49, Using JavaScript in HomeSite 4.0, Part II, and Column 50, Using JavaScript in HomeSite 4.0, Part III.

In this column, you'll learn:

We also include the listing of all macros covered in this column.

Produced by Yehuda Shiran and Tomer Shiran

Created: January 18, 2000
Revised: April 26, 2000