Using JavaScript in HomeSite 4.0, Part I: The Application Object's Methods, Part III | WebReference

Using JavaScript in HomeSite 4.0, Part I: The Application Object's Methods, Part III

Using JavaScript in HomeSite 4.0, Part I

The Application Object's Methods, Part III

GetURLStatus(URL, serverResponse)Integer

Returns the HTTP status code for the given URL. The text of the server response is returned in the second parameter (serverResponse). For example, the following statement returns 200:

app.GetURLStatus("", serverResponse)

The next expression evaluates to 400, because the specified file doesn't exist:

app.GetURLStatus("", serverResponse)

Hides the progress bar. This method doesn't require any arguments. It merely performs a simple operation. Take a look at the status area when the progress bar is hidden:

A Hidden Progress Bar
HTMLConvertTagCase(HTMLString, conversionFlag)String

Converts the case of the given string to uppercase, if conversionFlag receives a true value. Alternatively, if the second parameter is handed a false value, the method converts the string to lowercase. Note that the HTMLConvertTagCase() method doesn't change the contents of <SCRIPT>...</SCRIPT>, <STYLE>...</STYLE> or <!-- --> tags, and doesn't change the case of attribute values. Notice that the function returns the new, converted string. Attribute values must be enclosed in double quotes.

HTMLGetAttribute(tag, attribute)String

Extracts the value of a given attribute (attribute) from a given tag (tag). For example, the following statement returns "250":

app.HTMLGetAttribute('<IMG SRC="car.gif" WIDTH="250">', "WIDTH")

Keep in mind that HTML is case-insensitive, so the following statement returns the same value:

app.HTMLGetAttribute('<IMG SRC="car.gif" WIDTH="250">', "WiDtH")

Produced by Yehuda Shiran and Tomer Shiran

Created: September 13, 1999
Revised: September 13, 1999