WebReference.com - Part 1 of Chapter 7 from Essential Blogging. From O'Reilly (5/5). | WebReference

WebReference.com - Part 1 of Chapter 7 from Essential Blogging. From O'Reilly (5/5).

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Essential Blogging, Chapter 7: Advanced Radio UserLand

Using the Blogger API in Radio

Radio fully supports the Blogger API standard so you can take advantage of any tool that supports it. Not only can you post to other blogs from Radio (see the Manila-Blogger Bridge tool describe in Chapter 2), but you can also use any of the desktop blogging clients in Chapter 2 to post to your Radio UserLand blog.

To use the Blogger API in Radio, click on the Prefs link in Radio's command bar. Under Internet and Server Settings, choose the Blogger API in Radio option. Turn on the checkbox to enable the Blogger API and click Submit. This allows your copy of Radio to accept data from a Blogger API-compatible tool. When you are using such a tool, you have to tell it where your blog is located on your local machine. Here are the normal settings: (the destination to which the tool should post blog entries), your username and password, and a blog ID of "home" (no quotes; this is required).

Please note that Blogger API support in Radio provides both import and export support for moving your blog entries between systems. This is obvious when you think about it but not apparent when you are used to a file-based approach to importing and exporting.

Backing Up Your Radio

It's always smart to back up your data in any program-even in a blogging application. For Radio, this means backing up the database of articles and configuration information. The files that Radio publishes onto the Internet don't have all features of your local copy. These files are only HTML pages, and they lack important metadata, formatting directives, and so on.

All your Radio data is stored in the \Program Files\Radio UserLand\ set of directories on Windows, and in the Radio UserLand folder in Applications on OS X.

Backing Up All Data on Windows

Here's your backup process for all your Radio data. It relies on WinZip or another archiving tool such as WinRar to make a single backup file, as Radio stores its data in many small files.

  1. Shut down Radio by right-clicking the Radio icon in the Windows System Tray (bottom right, by default) and choosing Shut Down Radio. This is important because Radio normally runs in the background and regularly updates files. The main files you need to back up are the .root files, which contain all your Radio data, because you don't want Radio updating those files as you're archiving them.

  2. Use your archiving program to make a backup file containing the following directories and files:

    \Radio UserLand\Data Files\
    \Radio UserLand\www\
    \Radio UserLand\Themes\
    \Radio UserLand\Backups\ (yes this is redundant but it's safer)
    \Radio UserLand\*.root\
  3. Copy this ZIP file to another hard drive or some removable medium.

More details on backup are given at https://radio.userland.com/stories/storyReader$7010.

Backing Up all Data on the Mac

The easiest way to back up Radio on the Mac is to copy the entire Radio UserLand folder to another disk.

  1. Shut down Radio by Ctrl-clicking the Radio icon in the Dock and choosing Shut Down Radio. This is important because Radio normally runs in the background and regularly updates files. The main files that you need to back up are the .root files, which contain all your Radio data, because you don't want Radio updating those files as you're archiving them.

  2. Copy the entire Radio UserLand folder from the Application folder to another drive. If you don't want to move the program files as well, move these folders:

    Radio UserLand: Data Files
    Radio UserLand: www
    Radio UserLand: Themes
    Radio UserLand: Backups (yes this is redundant but it's safer)
    Radio UserLand - All the .root files


Don't forget to do this regularly. Your blog data is important!

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Created: October 7, 2002
Revised: October 7, 2002

URL: https://webreference.com/authoring/blogging/chap7/1/5.html