Grouping & Contextual Selectors (cont.) - How do I Select Thee, Let Me Count the Ways - HTML With Style | WebReference

Grouping & Contextual Selectors (cont.) - How do I Select Thee, Let Me Count the Ways - HTML With Style

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Contextual selectors are a slightly trickier form of selectors. A contextual selector selects an element with a certain kind of ancestor. An ancestor element is an element that contains the element we want to select. The ancestor is not necessarily the direct parent of the element in question. This is best illustrated by example. In the following HTML document, in the second paragraph, the DIV element is an ancestor of the STRONG element. The STRONG element's parent element is the P element, that is, the element in which it is contained. Since the DIV element is the parent of the P element, it is also an ancestor of the P element.

<TITLE>Example HTML Document Showcasing 
   CSS Contextual Selectors</TITLE>
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
  color: blue;
  background-color: cyan;
  font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
H1, H2 {
  color: red;
  font-family: Garamond, Times, sans-serif;
EM { font-style: normal; color: red; }
H1 EM { color: green; }
DIV.special STRONG { color: purple; 
                     font-weight: normal; }
<H1>Heading 1 with <EM>Emphasis</EM></H1>
<P>A paragraph. A paragraph. A paragraph. 
A paragraph. A paragraph. A paragraph. A paragraph.
A paragraph. <EM>Some emphasis</EM>. 
A paragraph. A paragraph. A paragraph. A paragraph. 
A paragraph.
<DIV CLASS="special">
<P>A paragraph. A paragraph. A paragraph. 
A paragraph. A paragraph. A paragraph. A paragraph. A 
paragraph. A paragraph. A paragraph. A paragraph. 
A paragraph. A paragraph. <STRONG>Some 
Strong Emphasis</STRONG>. A paragraph. 
A paragraph. A paragraph.</DIV>

This example also illustrates the primary use of contextual selectors. In this example, I have chosen to make all level 1 headings red, and also make EM elements red. This creates a problem if an EM element is contained within an H1 element, since it would not stand out as I would like. So, by using the H1 EM selector, I specify that all EM elements contained within H1 elements should be rendered green instead of red. If you ignore the tasteless colors, the effect is exactly what we want.

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Created: September 24, 1998
Revised: September 24, 1998