HTML Tutorials and Web Page Design | WebReference

HTML Tutorials and Web Page Design

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  • Welcome to HTML with Style,'s area for all things concerning HTML and CSS. You can read more about HTML with Style in the appropriately named About page. And if you haven't done so already, don't forget to sign up for our free newsletter to keep up-to-date with updates both here and elsewhere on

    Latest Additions

    Software Review: NoteTab Pro
    If you're comfortable with HTML and CSS and don't want or need a WYSIWYG program, then NoteTab Pro may be the editor for you. Its many features and clip libraries make it an excellent choice for getting down and dirty in the midst of your code. By Lee Underwood.
    The HTML Hierarchy: Thinking Inside the Box
    When we think of HTML coding, we tend to think of elements ("tags") used to structure a Web page, but our attention is usually focused on the appearance of the final product. In contrast, learning to visualize the structure of the code can actually help in the design of the page. By Lee Underwood. 0306
    A Web Development Primer
    In this article, Ahmad Permessur examines a wide variety of Web technologies, beginning with HTML, it's limitations and how to go beyond it. Other topics covered are client- and server-side technologies, networks, JavaScript, DHTML, CGI. and more. July 29, 2005
    Review: Web Link Validator
    Broken links can become a major headache for Web developers, especially if a site is rich with links. Since it's not feasible to physically check each link by hand, it makes sense to use a software program that will automate the process. One such program is Web Link Validator. By Lee Underwood. May 20, 2005
    Spring Into HTML & CSS: Working with Color and Images Using CSS
    Color options in CSS include hexadecimal color, hexadecimal shorthand color, RGB color, etc. Using images, you can create beautiful layouts without the constraints of tables. This week, you'll learn how to apply images to backgrounds and elements, and how to use images for a range of visual techniques. By Molly Holzschlag. May 16, 2005
    HTML 4.01 Element Reference
    HTML is the most basic and common language on the World Wide Web and it's relatively easy to learn. This resource contains the HTML 4.01 element (tag) list as recommended by the W3C. Each element includes a description, browser compatibility, all of the attributes associated with the element, and an example of the code as it is to be used. By Lee Underwood. March 31, 2005
    Book Review: Integrated HTML and CSS
    Traditionally, when learning to code Web pages, HTML is taught first, followed by CSS. However, since both are related, it would make more sense to teach them both at the same time. In this book, HTML and CSS are taught together, making them easier to learn. Designed with the beginner in mind, this book assumes no prior knowledge of HTML or CSS. By Lee Underwood. March 9, 2005
    Review: FTPEditor Pro 3.1
    Small edits of Web pages can be a cumbersome task, especially if you have to correct a grammar or spelling mistake. Usually, you have to open the file in an editing program, correct the mistake, save the file and upload it. Now, there's a way to bypass much of this work using FTPEditor. By Lee Underwood, February 23, 2005
    Book Review: Web ReDesign 2.0 | Workflow that Works
    Redesigning a Web site can be a daunting task. Whether it's one that you created or one that you've inherited, if the redesign process is not approached in a logical, well thought out manner, it can lead to some major headaches. What is necessary is a guide to lead you through the process, written by someone who has been there. Well, your guide has arrived in the form of the book, "Web ReDesign 2.0 | Workflow that Works", written by Kelly Goto and Emily Cotler. It covers the entire redesign process from beginning to end. By Lee Underwood. February 17, 2005
    Review: WebDrive v6.05
    Uploading and downloading files is a common task for a webmaster. Normally that's accomplished by using one of several programs, but here's another solution - WebDrive, which integrates WebDAV, FTP, or SFTP servers into the Windows desktop by mapping them to a network drive letter. Lee Underwood. January 26, 2005
    Review: TopStyle Pro 3.11
    There are many ways to create and edit Web pages and style sheets. Using TopStyle Pro is one method. TopStyle was created by Nick Bradbury, creator of the HomeSite HTML editor. For those of you who like HomeSite, you'll love TopStyle Pro. This program is jam-packed with all kinds of features. Lee Underwood. January 20, 2005
    Using the DOCTYPE Tag
    Having trouble with your Web pages? Can't get them to display correctly in your browser? It might be that your page is a little "quirky." Even if you address all errors in a web page, one problem that many developers overlook is a <doctype> statement or, if used, failure to use the right one.
    The HTML Form Element
    Form elements are probably one of the most important aspects of HTML encountered when browsing the Web. This tutorial looks at some common attributes used for form elements, including children elements (known as controls) and common form submission issues
    HTML 4.01 in Netscape and Explorer
    This is an updated and revised annotation to the HTML 4.01 Specification published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), detailing the differences between the specification and its implementation in Netscape Navigator 7.2 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0.
    Behind the Scenes with XHTML
    This article takes a look at some of the requirements for proper XHTML coding are in relation to the head portion of the Web page.
    Why Switch to XHTML?
    For Web developers, the learning process never seems to end, especially with coding. As the Web evolves, so do the standards, which are moving from HTML to XHTML. Learn why you should consider migrating to this new standard sooner than later.
    Practicing Safe Code
    Kenneth Tibbetts helps everyone keep their pages clean and their users happy.
    HTML Character Reference
    Looking for a great character reference? No, we won't help with your job search, but with HTML characters. HTML with Style serves up some stylish symbols used by HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0.
    Web Color Reference
    Our color reference section includes tables that show the various color codes in use on the Web. We include named colors, the extended named colors, and the now infamous 216 "Websafe" color palette, complete with HEX, RGB, percentage, and even the new ReallySafe palette, all for your viewing pleasure.
    Style Watch: The Seven Habits of Effective Web Sites
    For sale: ALT attributes for your Web site. Cost: $2 million. (Temporarily out of stock; expected delivery time: 12 months+). Well, crazier things have been auctioned on eBay for crazier prices, but is IBM serious about charging this much and taking this long to add basic accessibility to the Sydney Olympics Web site? Why is accessibility and usability ignored so blatantly on so many professional Web sites today? Read our thoughts on this and what can be done to make the Web a better place.

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    Revised: October 25, 2004
