CSS3 and Mozilla Border Radius Properties- DHTML Lab | 3 | WebReference

CSS3 and Mozilla Border Radius Properties- DHTML Lab | 3


Fun with Mozilla Border Radii

The Mozilla border radius properties differ significantly from those outlined in the CSS3 proposal:

1. There is no way to specify different values for horizontal and vertical radii.

2. The base property, -moz-border-radius, accepts up to four values.

3. The corner-specific properties accept only a single value.

4. Besides length units, all properties accept the "inherit" value. This is a standard CSS property value that reflects the value set for the property in a parent, containing element.

The table below illustrates the results to expect when using -moz-border-radius:

-moz-border-radius:<length value>;
If one value is specified, then all four corners are affected.
The horizontal radius and the vertical radius will be identical.
MOZ One Value Rendering
Mozilla CSS Syntax: -moz-border-radius:55px;
Mozilla JS Syntax: element.style.MozBorderRadius="55px";

-moz-border-radius:<length value> <length value>;
If two values are specified, the first one affects the top-left and bottom-right corners.
The second affects the top-right and bottom-left corners.
MOZ One Value Rendering
Mozilla CSS Syntax: -moz-border-radius:55px 19px;
Mozilla JS Syntax: element.style.MozBorderRadius="55px 19px";

-moz-border-radius:<length value> <length value> <length value>;
If three values are specified, the first one affects the top-left corner.
The second affects the top-right and bottom-left corners.
The third affects the bottom-right corner.
MOZ One Value Rendering
Mozilla CSS Syntax: -moz-border-radius:55px 19px 40px;
Mozilla JS Syntax: element.style.MozBorderRadius="55px 19px 40px";

-moz-border-radius:<length value> <length value> <length value> <length value>;
If four values are specified, the first one affects the top-left corner.
The second affects the top-right corner.
The third affects the bottom-right corner.
The fourth affects the bottom-left corner.
MOZ One Value Rendering
Mozilla CSS Syntax: -moz-border-radius:55px 19px 40px 30px;
Mozilla JS Syntax: element.style.MozBorderRadius="55px 19px 40px 30px";

The corner-specific properties are not as complicated.

Send a comment or suggestion to Peter Belesis

Created: September 27, 2004
Revised: September 27, 2004

URL: https://webreference.com/dhtml/column70/3.html