Hiermenus Go Forth, XXX - DHTML Lab | 4
Hiermenus Go Forth, XXX:
Version 4.3 - Full-Window
The Old Behavior (to Version 4.2.3)
1 | When we moused over a menu item with an associated child menu, the child menu appeared immediately.
Pro: Con: |
2 | When we moused out of the item with the child menu and over an adjacent item, the child menu disappeared immediately and if the new item had a child menu, the new child menu appeared immediately.
Pro: Con: |
3 | When we moused out of the item with the child menu and over an adjacent item, the child menu disappeared immediately. If the new item had no child menu then no child menu was visible.
Pro: Con: |
In short, child menus appeared immediately upon mouseover of the associated parent item and disappeared immediately upon mouseover of another item. There was no leeway time, so to speak. The old behavior could be especially bothersome if we moused over an adjacent item on-the-way to the child menu. By the time we got to where the child menu was positioned it was hidden and we would have to go back and display it again.
Trivia: This is how the OS menus on the Macintosh platform behave.
On the next page, the new HM4.3 mouseout behavior.
Produced by Peter Belesis and
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.Created: June 10, 2002
Revised: June 10, 2002
URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column66/2.html