Hiermenus Go Forth, XV - DHTML Lab | 6 | WebReference

Hiermenus Go Forth, XV - DHTML Lab | 6


Hiermenus Go Forth, XV:
Version 4.0.8 - The Complete Script (Full-Window)

This is a sample external array file (HM_Arrays.js in the download.)

                            Version 4 Menu ARRAYS
HM_Array1 = [
HM_Array1_1 = [
["3-D Animation","https://www.webreference.com/3d/",1,0,0],
HM_Array1_3 = [
["Hot Sites","https://www.webreference.com/hot/",1,0,0]
HM_Array1_1_6 = [
HM_Array2 = [
[100,       // menu width
200,        // left_position
50,         // top_position
"red",      // font_color
"yellow",   // mouseover_font_color
"yellow",   // background_color
"black",    // mouseover_background_color
"blue",     // border_color
"green",    // separator_color
1,          // top_is_permanent
1,          // top_is_horizontal
0,          // tree_is_horizontal
1,          // position_under
0,          // top_more_images_visible
1,          // tree_more_images_visible
"null",     // evaluate_upon_tree_show
"null",     // evaluate_upon_tree_hide
],          // right-to-left
HM_Array2_1 = [
["3-D Animation","https://www.webreference.com/3d/",1,0,0],
HM_Array2_3 = [
["Hot Sites","https://www.webreference.com/hot/",1,0,0]
HM_Array2_1_6 = [
HM_Array3 = [
[120,      // menu width
200,       // left_position
300,       // top_position
"black",   // font_color
"white",   // mouseover_font_color
"white",   // background_color
"black",   // mouseover_background_color
"black",   // border_color
"gray",    // separator_color
0,         // top_is_permanent
0,         // top_is_horizontal
0,         // tree_is_horizontal
1,         // position_under
1,         // top_more_images_visible
1,         // tree_more_images_visible
"null",    // evaluate_upon_tree_show
"null",    // evaluate_upon_tree_hide
],         // right-to-left
HM_Array3_1 = [
["3-D Animation","https://www.webreference.com/3d/",1,0,0],
HM_Array3_3 = [
["Hot Sites","https://www.webreference.com/hot/",1,0,0]
HM_Array3_1_6 = [

Next, the Netscape Navigator 4 external script.

Produced by Peter Belesis and

All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.
Created: April 5, 2001
Revised: April 5, 2001

URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column51/6.html