Hiermenus Go Forth, XV - DHTML Lab | 7 | WebReference

Hiermenus Go Forth, XV - DHTML Lab | 7


Hiermenus Go Forth, XV:
Version 4.0.8 - The Complete Script (Full-Window)

The external HM JavaScript file for Netscape Navigator 4.x (HM_ScriptNS4.js in the download.)

* by Peter Belesis. v4.0.8 010405
* Copyright (c) 2001 Peter Belesis. All Rights Reserved.
* Originally published and documented at https://www.dhtmlab.com/
* Available solely from INT Media Group. Incorporated under exclusive license.
* Contact [email protected] for more information.
HM_a_Parameters = [
    ["MenuWidth",          150],
    ["FontFamily",         "Arial,sans-serif"],
    ["FontSize",           10],
    ["FontBold",           false],
    ["FontItalic",         false],
    ["FontColor",          "black"],
    ["FontColorOver",      "white"],
    ["BGColor",            "white"],
    ["BGColorOver",        "black"],
    ["ItemPadding",        3],
    ["BorderWidth",        2],
    ["BorderColor",        "red"],
    ["SeparatorSize",      1],
    ["ImageSrc",           "tri.gif"],
    ["ImageSrcLeft",       "triL.gif"],
    ["ImageSize",          5],
    ["ImageHorizSpace",    0],
    ["ImageVertSpace",     0],
    ["KeepHilite",         false],
    ["ClickStart",         false],
    ["ClickKill",          true],
    ["ChildOverlap",       20],
    ["ChildOffset",        10],
    ["ChildPerCentOver",   null],
    ["TopSecondsVisible",  .5],
    ["StatusDisplayBuild", 1],
    ["StatusDisplayLink",  1],
    ["UponDisplay",        null],
    ["UponHide",           null],
    ["RightToLeft",        false],
    ["CreateTopOnly",      true],
    ["ShowLinkCursor",     false],
    ["NSFontOver",         true]
HM_MenuIDPrefix = "HM_Menu";
HM_ItemIDPrefix = "HM_Item";
HM_ArrayIDPrefix = "HM_Array";
function HM_f_StringTrim(){
    var TestString = this;
    var SpaceChar  = " ";
    while (TestString.charAt(0) == SpaceChar) {TestString = TestString.substr(1)};
    while (TestString.charAt(TestString.length-1) == SpaceChar) {TestString = TestString.substr(0,TestString.length-1)};
    return TestString.toString();
HM_a_BadChars = [".","/"," ",",","-"];
function HM_f_StringStrip(){
    var TestString = this;
    var BadChar;
    for(var i=0;i<HM_a_BadChars.length;i++) {
        BadChar = HM_a_BadChars[i];
        BadCharIndex = TestString.lastIndexOf(BadChar);
        if(BadCharIndex!=-1) TestString = TestString.substr(BadCharIndex + 1);
    return TestString.toString();
String.prototype.trim = HM_f_StringTrim;
String.prototype.strip = HM_f_StringStrip;
function HM_f_AssignParameters(paramname,defaultvalue){
    var FullParamName = "HM_" + paramname;
    if (typeof eval("window.HM_PG_" + paramname) == "undefined") {
        if (typeof eval("window.HM_GL_" + paramname) == "undefined") {
            eval(FullParamName + "= defaultvalue");
        else {
            eval(FullParamName + "= HM_GL_" + paramname);
    else {
        eval(FullParamName + "= HM_PG_" + paramname);
    var TestString = eval(FullParamName);
    if(eval("typeof(TestString)") == "string") {
        TestString = TestString.trim();
        if(TestString.length == 0) {
            eval(FullParamName + "= null");
        TestString = TestString.strip();
    if (eval("typeof(" + TestString +")") != 'undefined') {
        eval(FullParamName + "= eval("+ FullParamName +")");
for (i=0;i<HM_a_Parameters.length;i++) {
HM_ChildPerCentOver = (isNaN(parseFloat(HM_ChildPerCentOver))) ? null : parseFloat(HM_ChildPerCentOver)/100;
function HM_f_ValidateArray(arrayname){
    return ((typeof eval("window." + arrayname) == "object") && (eval(arrayname).length > 1))
if(!window.HM_a_TreesToBuild) {
    HM_a_TreesToBuild = [];
    for(i=1; i<100; i++){
        if(HM_f_ValidateArray(HM_ArrayIDPrefix + i)) HM_a_TreesToBuild[HM_a_TreesToBuild.length] = i;
HM_CurrentArray = null;
HM_CurrentTree  = null;
HM_CurrentMenu  = null;
HM_CurrentItem  = null;
HM_a_TopMenus = [];
HM_AreLoaded = false;
HM_AreCreated = false;
HM_BeingCreated = false;
HM_UserOverMenu = false;
HM_HideAllTimer = null;
HM_TotalTrees = 0; 
function HM_f_Initialize() {
    if(HM_AreCreated) {
        for(var i=0; i<HM_TotalTrees; i++) {
            var TopMenu = HM_a_TopMenus[i];
            TopMenu.hideTimer = null;
    HM_AreCreated = false;
    HM_BeingCreated = false;
    HM_UserOverMenu = false;
    HM_CurrentMenu = null;
    HM_HideAllTimer = null;
    HM_TotalTrees = 0;
    HM_a_TopMenus = [];
Layer.prototype.showIt = HM_f_ShowIt;
Layer.prototype.keepInWindow = HM_f_KeepInWindow;
Layer.prototype.hideTree = HM_f_HideTree
Layer.prototype.hideParents = HM_f_HideParents;
Layer.prototype.hideChildren = HM_f_HideChildren;
Layer.prototype.hideTop = HM_f_HideTop;
Layer.prototype.hideSelf = HM_f_HideSelf;
Layer.prototype.hasChildVisible = false;
Layer.prototype.isOn = false;
Layer.prototype.hideTimer = null;
Layer.prototype.currentItem = null;
Layer.prototype.itemSetup = HM_f_ItemSetup;
Layer.prototype.itemCount = 0;
Layer.prototype.child = null;
Layer.prototype.isWritten = false;
HM_NS_OrigWidth  = window.innerWidth;
HM_NS_OrigHeight = window.innerHeight;
window.onresize = function (){
    if (window.innerWidth == HM_NS_OrigWidth && window.innerHeight == HM_NS_OrigHeight) return;
function HM_f_StartIt() {

    if(HM_AreCreated) return;
    HM_AreLoaded = true;
    if (HM_ClickKill) {
        HM_f_OtherMouseDown = (document.onmousedown) ? document.onmousedown :  new Function;
        document.onmousedown = function(){HM_f_PageClick();HM_f_OtherMouseDown()}
    else {
        HM_TopMilliSecondsVisible = HM_TopSecondsVisible * 1000;
function HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(arrayvalue,defaultvalue){
    var ValueIsString = (typeof arrayvalue == "string");
    if (ValueIsString) arrayvalue = arrayvalue.trim();
    var ValueIsNull = ((arrayvalue == null) || (typeof arrayvalue == "undefined") || (ValueIsString && arrayvalue.length == 0));
    if(ValueIsNull) return defaultvalue;
    var TestString = arrayvalue;
    if(eval("typeof(TestString)") == "string") {
        if(TestString.charAt(0)=="#")return arrayvalue;
        TestString = TestString.strip()
    if (eval("typeof("+ TestString+" )") != 'undefined') {
        eval("arrayvalue = eval(arrayvalue)");
    return arrayvalue;
function HM_f_MakeTrees(){
    HM_BeingCreated = true;
    var TreeParams = null;
    var TreeHasChildren = false;
    var ItemArray = null;
    for(var t=0; t<HM_a_TreesToBuild.length; t++) {
        if(!HM_f_ValidateArray(HM_ArrayIDPrefix + HM_a_TreesToBuild[t])) continue;
        HM_CurrentArray = eval(HM_ArrayIDPrefix + HM_a_TreesToBuild[t]);
        TreeParams = HM_CurrentArray[0];
        TreeHasChildren = false;
        for(var i=1; i<HM_CurrentArray.length; i++) {
            ItemArray = HM_CurrentArray[i];
            if(ItemArray[ItemArray.length-1]) {TreeHasChildren = true; break}
        HM_CurrentTree = {
            MenuWidth        : MenuWidth = HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[0],HM_MenuWidth),
            MenuLeft         : MenuLeft = HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[1],null),
            MenuTop          : MenuTop = HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[2],null),
            ItemWidth        : ItemWidth = MenuWidth - (HM_BorderWidth*2),
            ItemTextWidth    : TreeHasChildren ? (ItemWidth - (HM_ImageSize + HM_ImageHorizSpace + HM_ItemPadding)) : ItemWidth,
            HorizOffsetRight : HorizOffsetRight = (parseInt((HM_ChildPerCentOver != null) ? (HM_ChildPerCentOver  * ItemWidth) : HM_ChildOverlap)) - HM_ItemPadding,

//          HorizOffsetLeft  : (MenuWidth - HorizOffsetRight) - (HM_BorderWidth*2),
            HorizOffsetLeft  : (MenuWidth - HorizOffsetRight) - (HM_BorderWidth) - HM_ItemPadding,
            FontColor        : FontColor = HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[3],HM_FontColor),
            FontColorOver    : FontColorOver = HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[4],HM_FontColorOver),
            BGColor          : HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[5],HM_BGColor),
            BGColorOver      : HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[6],HM_BGColorOver),
            BorderColor      : HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[7],HM_BorderColor),
            TopIsPermanent   : ((MenuLeft == null) || (MenuTop == null)) ? false : HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[9],false),
            TopIsHorizontal  : TopIsHorizontal = HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[10],false),
            TreeIsHorizontal : TreeHasChildren ? HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[11],false) : false,
            PositionUnder    : (!TopIsHorizontal || !TreeHasChildren) ? false : HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[12],false),
            TopImageShow     : TreeHasChildren ? HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[13],true)  : false,
            TreeImageShow    : TreeHasChildren ? HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[14],true)  : false,
            UponDisplay      : HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[15],HM_UponDisplay),
            UponHide         : HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[16],HM_UponHide),
            RightToLeft      : HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(TreeParams[17],HM_RightToLeft),
            NSFontOver         : HM_NSFontOver ? (FontColor != FontColorOver) : false
        HM_CurrentMenu = null;
        HM_a_TopMenus[HM_TotalTrees] = HM_CurrentTree.treeParent;
            with(HM_CurrentTree.treeParent) {
                visibility = "show";
    if(HM_StatusDisplayBuild) status = HM_TotalTrees + " Hierarchical Menu Trees Created";
    HM_AreCreated = true;
    HM_BeingCreated = false;
function HM_f_GetItemHtmlStr(arraystring){
    var TempString = arraystring;
    if (HM_FontBold) TempString = TempString.bold();
    if (HM_FontItalic) TempString = TempString.italics();
    TempString = "<FONT FACE='" + HM_FontFamily + "' POINT-SIZE=" + HM_FontSize + ">" + TempString + "</FONT>";
    var TempStringOver = TempString.fontcolor(HM_CurrentTree.FontColorOver);
    TempString = TempString.fontcolor(HM_CurrentTree.FontColor);
    return [TempString,TempStringOver];
function HM_f_MakeMenu(menucount) {
    if(!HM_f_ValidateArray(HM_ArrayIDPrefix + menucount)) return false;
    HM_CurrentArray = eval(HM_ArrayIDPrefix + menucount);
    NewMenu = eval("window." + HM_MenuIDPrefix + menucount);
    if(!NewMenu) {
        eval(HM_MenuIDPrefix + menucount + " = new Layer(HM_CurrentTree.MenuWidth,window)")
        NewMenu = eval(HM_MenuIDPrefix + menucount);
        if(HM_CurrentMenu) {
            NewMenu.parentMenu = HM_CurrentMenu;
            NewMenu.parentItem = HM_CurrentItem;
            NewMenu.parentItem.child = NewMenu;
            NewMenu.hasParent = true;
            NewMenu.isHorizontal = HM_CurrentTree.TreeIsHorizontal;
            NewMenu.showImage = HM_CurrentTree.TreeImageShow;
        else {
            NewMenu.isHorizontal = HM_CurrentTree.TopIsHorizontal;
            NewMenu.showImage = HM_CurrentTree.TopImageShow;
        HM_CurrentMenu = NewMenu;
        HM_CurrentMenu.count = menucount;
        HM_CurrentMenu.tree  = HM_CurrentTree;
        HM_CurrentMenu.array = HM_CurrentArray;
        HM_CurrentMenu.maxItems = HM_CurrentArray.length - 1;
        HM_CurrentMenu.bgColor = HM_CurrentTree.BorderColor;
        HM_CurrentMenu.onmouseover = HM_f_MenuOver;
        HM_CurrentMenu.onmouseout = HM_f_MenuOut;
    while (HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount < HM_CurrentMenu.maxItems) {
        HM_CurrentItem = eval("window." + HM_ItemIDPrefix + menucount + "_" + HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount);
        if(!HM_CurrentItem) {
            eval(HM_ItemIDPrefix + menucount + "_" + HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount + " = new Layer(HM_CurrentTree.ItemWidth - (HM_ItemPadding*2),HM_CurrentMenu)")
            if(HM_StatusDisplayBuild) status = "Creating Hierarchical Menus: " + menucount + " / " + HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount;
            HM_CurrentItem = eval(HM_ItemIDPrefix + menucount + "_" + HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount);
            HM_CurrentItem.itemSetup(menucount + "_" + HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount);
        if(HM_CurrentItem.hasMore && (!HM_CreateTopOnly || HM_AreCreated && HM_CreateTopOnly)) {
               MenuCreated = HM_f_MakeMenu(menucount + "_" + HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount);
               if(MenuCreated) {
                HM_CurrentMenu =  HM_CurrentMenu.parentMenu;
                HM_CurrentArray = HM_CurrentMenu.array;
    HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount = 0;
    if (HM_CurrentMenu.isHorizontal) {
        HM_CurrentMenu.clip.right = HM_CurrentMenu.lastItem.left + HM_CurrentMenu.lastItem.clip.right + HM_BorderWidth;
    else {
        HM_CurrentMenu.clip.right = HM_CurrentTree.MenuWidth;
    HM_CurrentMenu.clip.bottom = HM_CurrentMenu.lastItem.top + HM_CurrentMenu.lastItem.clip.bottom + HM_BorderWidth;
    HM_CurrentTree.treeParent = HM_CurrentTree.startChild = HM_CurrentMenu;
    return HM_CurrentMenu;
function HM_f_ItemSetup(itemidsuffix) {
    this.menu = HM_CurrentMenu;
    this.tree = HM_CurrentTree;
    this.index = HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount - 1;
    this.array = HM_CurrentArray[HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount];
    this.dispText = this.array[0];
    this.linkText = this.array[1];
    this.permHilite  = eval(this.array[3]);
    this.hasRollover = (!this.permHilite && eval(this.array[2]));
    this.hasMore     = eval(this.array[4]) && HM_f_ValidateArray(HM_ArrayIDPrefix + itemidsuffix);
    var HtmlStrings = HM_f_GetItemHtmlStr(this.dispText);
    this.htmStr = HtmlStrings[0];
    this.htmStrOver = HtmlStrings[1];
    this.visibility = "inherit";
    this.onmouseover = HM_f_ItemOver;
    this.onmouseout  = HM_f_ItemOut;
    this.menu.lastItem = this;
    if (this.linkText) {
        this.onmouseup = HM_f_LinkIt;
    if (this.menu.isHorizontal) {
        if (this.index) this.left = this.siblingBelow.left + this.siblingBelow.clip.width + HM_SeparatorSize;
        else this.left = (HM_BorderWidth + HM_ItemPadding);
        this.top = (HM_BorderWidth + HM_ItemPadding);
    else {
        this.left = (HM_BorderWidth + HM_ItemPadding);
        if (this.index) this.top = this.siblingBelow.top + this.siblingBelow.clip.height + HM_SeparatorSize;
        else this.top = (HM_BorderWidth + HM_ItemPadding)
    this.clip.top = this.clip.left = -HM_ItemPadding;
    this.clip.right = this.tree.ItemWidth - HM_ItemPadding;
    this.bgColor = this.permHilite ? this.tree.BGColorOver : this.tree.BGColor;
    this.txtLyrOff = new Layer(HM_CurrentTree.ItemTextWidth - (HM_ItemPadding*2),this);
    with(this.txtLyrOff) {
        document.write(this.permHilite ? this.htmStrOver : this.htmStr);
        if (HM_CurrentTree.RightToLeft && this.menu.showImage) left = HM_ItemPadding + HM_ImageSize + HM_ImageHorizSpace;
        visibility = "inherit";
    if(this.tree.NSFontOver) {
            this.txtLyrOn = new Layer(HM_CurrentTree.ItemTextWidth - (HM_ItemPadding*2),this);
            with(this.txtLyrOn) {
                if (HM_CurrentTree.RightToLeft && this.menu.showImage) left = HM_ItemPadding + HM_ImageSize + HM_ImageHorizSpace;
                visibility = "hide";
    this.fullClip = this.txtLyrOff.document.height + (HM_ItemPadding * 2);
    if(this.menu.isHorizontal) {
        if(this.index) {
            var SiblingHeight = this.siblingBelow.clip.height;
            this.fullClip = Math.max(SiblingHeight,this.fullClip);
            if(this.fullClip > SiblingHeight) {
                var SiblingPrevious = this.siblingBelow;
                while(SiblingPrevious != null) {
                    SiblingPrevious.clip.height = this.fullClip;
                    SiblingPrevious = SiblingPrevious.siblingBelow;
    this.clip.height = this.fullClip;
    this.dummyLyr = new Layer(100,this);
    with(this.dummyLyr) {
        left = top = -HM_ItemPadding;
        clip.width = this.clip.width;
        clip.height = this.clip.height;
        visibility = "inherit";
    if(this.hasMore && HM_CurrentMenu.showImage) {
        this.imgLyr = new Layer(HM_ImageSize,this);
        with(this.imgLyr) {
            document.write("<IMG SRC='" + (HM_CurrentTree.RightToLeft ? HM_ImageSrcLeft : HM_ImageSrc) + "' WIDTH=" + HM_ImageSize + " VSPACE=0 HSPACE=0 BORDER=0>");
            left = (HM_CurrentTree.RightToLeft) ? HM_ImageHorizSpace : this.tree.ItemWidth - (HM_ItemPadding * 2) - HM_ImageSize - HM_ImageHorizSpace;
            top = HM_ImageVertSpace;
            visibility = "inherit";
function HM_f_PopUp(menuname,e){
    if (!HM_AreLoaded) return;
    menuname = menuname.replace("elMenu",HM_MenuIDPrefix);
    var TempMenu = eval("window."+menuname);
    HM_CurrentMenu = TempMenu;
    if (HM_ClickStart) {
        var ClickElement = e.target;
        ClickElement.onclick = HM_f_PopMenu;
    else HM_f_PopMenu(e);
function HM_f_PopMenu(e){
    if (!HM_AreLoaded || !HM_AreCreated) return true;
    if (HM_ClickStart && e.type != "click") return true;
    HM_CurrentMenu.hasParent = false;
    HM_CurrentMenu.tree.startChild = HM_CurrentMenu;
    HM_CurrentMenu.xPos = (HM_CurrentMenu.tree.MenuLeft!=null) ? HM_CurrentMenu.tree.MenuLeft : e.pageX;
    HM_CurrentMenu.yPos = (HM_CurrentMenu.tree.MenuTop!=null)  ? HM_CurrentMenu.tree.MenuTop  : e.pageY;
    HM_CurrentMenu.isOn = true;
    return false;
function HM_f_MenuOver() {
    if(!this.tree.startChild){this.tree.startChild = this}
    if(this.tree.startChild == this) HM_f_HideAll(this)
    this.isOn = true;
    HM_UserOverMenu = true;
    HM_CurrentMenu = this;
    if (this.hideTimer) clearTimeout(this.hideTimer);
function HM_f_MenuOut() {
    this.isOn = false;
    HM_UserOverMenu = false;
    if(HM_StatusDisplayLink) status = "";
    if(!HM_ClickKill) HM_HideAllTimer = setTimeout("HM_CurrentMenu.hideTree()",10);  
function HM_f_ItemOver(){
    if (HM_KeepHilite) {
        if (this.menu.currentItem && this.menu.currentItem != this && this.menu.currentItem.hasRollover) {
                bgColor = this.tree.BGColor;
                if(this.tree.NSFontOver) {
                    txtLyrOff.visibility = "inherit";
                    txtLyrOn.visibility = "hide";
    if(this.hasRollover) {
        this.bgColor = this.tree.BGColorOver;
        if(this.tree.NSFontOver) {
                this.txtLyrOn.isWritten = true;
            this.txtLyrOff.visibility = "hide";
            this.txtLyrOn.visibility = "inherit";
    if(HM_StatusDisplayLink) status = this.linkText;
    this.menu.currentItem = this;
    if (this.menu.hasChildVisible) {
        if(this.menu.visibleChild == this.child && this.menu.visibleChild.hasChildVisible) this.menu.visibleChild.hideChildren(this);
        else this.menu.hideChildren(this);
    if (this.hasMore) {
        if(!this.child) {
            HM_CurrentTree = this.tree;
            HM_CurrentMenu = this.menu;
            HM_CurrentItem = this;
            this.child = HM_f_MakeMenu(this.menu.count + "_"+(this.index+1));
            this.tree.treeParent = this.menu;
            this.tree.startChild = this.menu;
        if (this.tree.PositionUnder && (this.menu == this.tree.treeParent)) {
            this.child.xPos = this.pageX + this.clip.left - HM_BorderWidth;
            this.child.yPos = this.menu.top + this.menu.clip.height - HM_BorderWidth;
        else {
            this.oL = this.pageX + this.clip.left;
            this.child.offsetWidth = this.child.clip.width;
            this.oT = this.pageY + this.clip.top - HM_BorderWidth;
            if(this.tree.RightToLeft) {
                this.child.xPos = this.oL + (this.tree.HorizOffsetRight - this.child.offsetWidth);
            else {        
                this.child.xPos = this.oL + this.tree.HorizOffsetLeft;
            this.child.yPos = this.oT + HM_ChildOffset + HM_BorderWidth;
        if(!this.tree.PositionUnder || this.menu!=this.tree.treeParent) this.child.keepInWindow();
        this.menu.hasChildVisible = true;
        this.menu.visibleChild = this.child;
function HM_f_ItemOut() {
    if ( (!HM_KeepHilite || ((this.tree.TopIsPermanent && (this.tree.treeParent==this)) && !this.menu.hasChildVisible)) && this.hasRollover) {
            bgColor = this.tree.BGColor;
            if(this.tree.NSFontOver) {
                txtLyrOff.visibility = "inherit";
                txtLyrOn.visibility = "hide";
    if(!HM_ClickKill && !HM_UserOverMenu) {
        HM_HideAllTimer = setTimeout("HM_CurrentMenu.hideTree()",10);  
function HM_f_ShowIt(on) {
    if (!(this.tree.TopIsPermanent && (this.tree.treeParent==this))) {
        if(!this.hasParent || (this.hasParent && this.tree.TopIsPermanent)) {
            if (on == this.hidden)
                eval(on ? this.tree.UponDisplay : this.tree.UponHide)
        this.visibility = on ? "show" : "hide";
    if (HM_KeepHilite && this.currentItem && this.currentItem.hasRollover) {
            bgColor = this.tree.BGColor;
            if(this.tree.NSFontOver) {
                txtLyrOff.visibility = "inherit";
                txtLyrOn.visibility = "hide";
    this.currentItem = null;
function HM_f_KeepInWindow() {
    var ExtraSpace     = 10;
    var WindowLeftEdge = window.pageXOffset;
    var WindowTopEdge  = window.pageYOffset;
    var WindowWidth    = window.innerWidth;
    var WindowHeight   = window.innerHeight;
    var WindowRightEdge  = (WindowLeftEdge + WindowWidth) - ExtraSpace;
    var WindowBottomEdge = (WindowTopEdge + WindowHeight) - ExtraSpace;
    var MenuLeftEdge = this.xPos;
    var MenuRightEdge = MenuLeftEdge + this.clip.width;
    var MenuBottomEdge = this.yPos + this.clip.height;
    if (this.hasParent) {
        var ParentLeftEdge = this.parentMenu.pageX;
        this.offsetWidth = this.clip.width;
    if (MenuRightEdge > WindowRightEdge) {
        if (this.hasParent) {
            this.xPos = ParentLeftEdge + this.tree.HorizOffsetRight - this.offsetWidth;    
        else {
            dif = MenuRightEdge - WindowRightEdge;
            this.xPos -= dif;
    if (MenuBottomEdge > WindowBottomEdge) {
        dif = MenuBottomEdge - WindowBottomEdge;
        this.yPos -= dif;
    if (MenuLeftEdge < WindowLeftEdge) {
        if (this.hasParent) {
            this.xPos = ParentLeftEdge + this.tree.HorizOffsetLeft;
        else {this.xPos = 5}
function HM_f_LinkIt() {
    if (this.linkText.indexOf("javascript:")!=-1) eval(this.linkText)
    else location.href = this.linkText;
function HM_f_PopDown(menuname){
    if (!HM_AreLoaded || !HM_AreCreated) return;
    menuname = menuname.replace("elMenu",HM_MenuIDPrefix);
    var MenuToHide = eval("window."+menuname);
    MenuToHide.isOn = false;
    if (!HM_ClickKill) MenuToHide.hideTop();
function HM_f_HideAll(callingmenu) {
    for(var i=0; i<HM_TotalTrees; i++) {
        var TopMenu = HM_a_TopMenus[i].tree.startChild;
        if(TopMenu == callingmenu)continue
        TopMenu.isOn = false;
        if (TopMenu.hasChildVisible) TopMenu.hideChildren();
function HM_f_HideTree() { 
    HM_HideAllTimer = null;
    if (HM_UserOverMenu) return;
    if (this.hasChildVisible) this.hideChildren();
function HM_f_HideTop() {
    TopMenuToHide = this;
    (HM_ClickKill) ? TopMenuToHide.hideSelf() : (this.hideTimer = setTimeout("TopMenuToHide.hideSelf()",HM_TopMilliSecondsVisible));
function HM_f_HideSelf() {
    this.hideTimer = null;
    if (!this.isOn && !HM_UserOverMenu) this.showIt(false);
function HM_f_HideParents() {
    var TempMenu = this;
    while(TempMenu.hasParent) {
        TempMenu.parentMenu.isOn = false;        
        TempMenu = TempMenu.parentMenu;
function HM_f_HideChildren(callingitem) {
    var TempMenu = this.visibleChild;
    while(TempMenu.hasChildVisible) {
        TempMenu.hasChildVisible = false;
        TempMenu = TempMenu.visibleChild;
    if (!this.isOn || !callingitem.hasMore || this.visibleChild != this.child) {
        this.hasChildVisible = false;
function HM_f_PageClick() {
    if (!HM_UserOverMenu && HM_CurrentMenu!=null && !HM_CurrentMenu.isOn) HM_f_HideAll();
popUp = HM_f_PopUp;
popDown = HM_f_PopDown;
HM_f_OtherOnLoad = (window.onload) ? window.onload :  new Function;
window.onload = HM_f_StartIt;


Next, the Internet Explorer 4 for Windows external script.

Produced by Peter Belesis and

All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.
Created: April 5, 2001
Revised: April 5, 2001

URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column51/7.html