DHTML Lab: Hierarchical Menus Version 3 | 6
Hierarchical Menus: Version 3
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Click the link above to reveal menu. Click anywhere on the page to hide menu. Parameters used for the menus on this page: menuVersion = 3; menuWidth = 120; childOverlap = 50; childOffset = 5; perCentOver = null; secondsVisible = .8; fntCol = "black"; fntSiz = 10; fntBold = false; fntItal = false; fntFam = "sans-serif"; backCol = "#3399FF"; overCol = "#55BBFF"; overFnt = "white"; borWid = 2; borCol = "#0000FF"; borSty = "solid"; itemPad = 3; imgSrc = "tri.gif"; imgSiz = 10; separator = 1; separatorCol = "#000088"; isFrames = false; keepHilite = true; NSfontOver = true; clickStart = true; clickKill = true; showVisited = "green"; |
When last we discussed the menu script, in the version 2.1 article, a list was published with nine improvements foreseen for version 3. We have managed to incorporate eight of these. (hey, eight out of nine ain't bad!) In addition many more unforeseen improvements have been made. The complete feature list includes: Explorer-Specific
Bug Fixes
The DiscussionWe'll discuss the menu script in order, function-by-function, not by feature. The new-feature code will become apparent as we proceed. Again, we stress the need for a familiarity with older versions of the script. Even though the script has changed dramatically since its first incarnation, many of the functions and much of the logic remains unchanged. Studying the previous versions will not only help you to understand the current one, but it is a good exercise in DHTML development, with all the quirks and bugs inevitably encountered along the way. In the left column, we'll list appropriate background-reading from DHTML Lab for techniques discussed on each page. So, as usual, let's start with a look at our parameter variables. |
Produced by Peter Belesis and
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.Created: Sept. 03, 1998
Revised: Sept. 03, 1998
URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column21/hier3Intro.html