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DHTML Lab - dhtmlab.com - Hierarchical Menus Ver. 3 - Addendum X-2 (v3.10.2)


Hierarchical Menus Ver. 3 - Addendum X-2 (v3.10.2)
further fix for IE5 image positioning plus one

This column introduces a new version of the hierarchical menu script. All information is valid at the time of writing. New browser versions released after publication may not behave as outlined. The script is constantly under revision, with new features added, problems fixed and new browser versions addressed.
Read this column, and future columns, to learn how we built the menu script.
Use the most recent version of the script, always available in HierMenus Central.

This addendum deals with a fix to the Hierarchical Menus Version 3 script for proper "more" image positioning in Internet Explorer 5, for Windows and Macintosh.
You must be familiar with the script to appreciate the discussion.

Welcome to the tenth-and-twice-some maintenance release of Hierarchical Menus, Version 3.

In our previous maintenance release, Version 3.10.1, we fixed a problem with the "more" image positioning for IE5. However, under certain conditions, the image may still not be positioned correctly in IE5. Thanks to all who wrote in, and special thanks to Brian Gibson, who was first off the mark to describe the problem and test the fix.

The Problem

Pass your mouse over the links below to display two sample menus:

Menu Example:

Menu Example:

If you are using IE5, you will have displayed top-level menus similar to the screenshots below:

Left Menu - Good PositioningRight Menu - Bad Positioning

It is not immediately obvious why the positioning is wonky. Both menus have an initial two-line item, so it can't be the double lines. The left menu has more text in the first item than the right one, so text length is not the culprit either. So, what can cause the screwy positioning?

Produced by Peter Belesis and

All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.
Created: July 20, 2000
Revised: July 20, 2000

URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column21/addendum10-2/