Low Bandwidth Rollovers: Click Effect in IE
Low Bandwidth Rollovers:
creating a click effect for IE with a third image
If you are using Explorer 4, click on the image map below.
This pinch effect is, of course, created by clipping a third overlayed image whenever the mousedown and mouseup events fire over an AREA.
First, prepare a third image with the pinch effect:
Add the CSS element:
#elMenuDown { position: absolute; visibility: hidden; top: 0; left: 0 }
Add a new string variable for the third image you've created:
- if (IE4) {
thirdIm = "<IMG SRC='menudown.gif' USEMAP='#mpMenu' WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=18 BORDER=0>";
else { thirdIm = "" }
Add the function:
- function mapDown(which,on) {
if (!IE4) { return }
whichEl = document.all.elMenuDown.style;
if (!on) { whichEl.visibility = "hidden"; return }
clLeft = arPopups[which][0];
clRight = arPopups[which][1];
whichEl.clip = "rect(" + clTop + " " + clRight + " " + clBot + " " + clLeft + ")";
whichEl.visibility = "visible"
Insert your new image as a CSS element, nested in elMenu and after elMenuOver, dynamically with JavaScript:
- <DIV ID="elMenuDown">
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.write(thirdIm)</SCRIPT>
And finally, modify the MAP's 7 links to include the two events:
- onMouseDown="mapDown(linkNumber,true)" onMouseUp="mapDown(linkNumber,false)"
Rollover with 1 (one) Image
You read that correctly. Just 1, but it's a cheat, in a way. If you're still with us, read on!Produced by Peter Belesis and
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.Created: 08/06/97
Revised: 10/16/97
URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column2/IEdown.html