Expandable Outlines: The Complete Code 2/2
Expandable Outlines
SPECIAL EDITION; the director's cut 2/2
- <DIV ID="elOneParent" CLASS="parent">
<DIV ID="elOneChild" CLASS="child">
<DIV ID="elTwoParent" CLASS="parent">
<DIV ID="elTwoChild" CLASS="child">
. continue parent/child groupings until end of outline,
. then enclose remaining page elements in DIVs
<DIV ID="elRest1" CLASS="regular">
<DIV ID="elRest2" CLASS="regular">
. possibly more DIVs
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
if (NS4) {
firstEl = "elOneParent";
firstInd = getIndex(firstEl);
The Script
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- if (ver4) { with (document) { write("<STYLE TYPE='text/css'>"); if (NS4) { write(".parent {position:absolute; visibility:visible}"); write(".child {position:absolute; visibility:visible}"); write(".regular {position:absolute; visibility:visible}") } else { write(".child {display:none}") } write("</STYLE>"); } } function getIndex(el) { ind = null; for (i=0; i<document.layers.length; i++) { whichEl = document.layers[i]; if (whichEl.id == el) { ind = i; break; } } return ind; } function arrange() { nextY = document.layers[firstInd].pageY + document.layers[firstInd].document.height; for (i=firstInd+1; i<document.layers.length; i++) { whichEl = document.layers[i]; if (whichEl.visibility != "hide") { whichEl.pageY = nextY; nextY += whichEl.document.height; } } } function initIt(){ if (!ver4) return; if (NS4) { for (i=0; i<document.layers.length; i++) { whichEl = document.layers[i]; if (whichEl.id.indexOf("Child") != -1) whichEl.visibility = "hide"; } arrange(); } else { divColl = document.all.tags("DIV"); for (i=0; i<divColl.length; i++) { whichEl = divColl(i); if (whichEl.className == "child") whichEl.style.display = "none"; } } } function expandIt(el) { if (!ver4) return; if (IE4) { whichEl = eval(el + "Child"); whichIm = event.srcElement; if (whichEl.style.display == "none") { whichEl.style.display = "block"; whichIm.src = "triUp.gif"; } else { whichEl.style.display = "none"; whichIm.src = "triDown.gif"; } } else { whichEl = eval("document." + el + "Child"); whichIm = eval("document." + el + "Parent.document.images['imEx']"); if (whichEl.visibility == "hide") { whichEl.visibility = "show"; whichIm.src = "triUp.gif"; } else { whichEl.visibility = "hide"; whichIm.src = "triDown.gif"; } arrange(); } } onload = initIt; //--> </SCRIPT>
For outlines with many expandable items, we look at expanding/collapsing all of them with one click.
Produced by Peter Belesis and
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.Created: Jan. 14, 1998
Revised: Jan. 18, 1998
URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column12/allCode2.html