Expandable Outlines: The Complete Code 1/2
Expandable Outlines
SPECIAL EDITION; the director's cut 1/2
Internet Explorer 4
The four examples from the column are reproduced here. The first two use this function:
- function expandIt(whichEl){
whichEl.style.display = (whichEl.style.display == "none" ) ? "" : "none";
1. Link in the outline item head/single element (P) expansion:
- <H3>
<A HREF = "javascript:expandIt(elOne)"
STYLE = "text-decoration:none">
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)</A></H3>
<P ID = "elOne"
STYLE = "display:none">
2. onClick in the outline item head/multiple element (DIV) expansion:
- <H3 STYLE = "cursor:hand;"
onClick = "expandIt(elOne)">Netscape</H3>
<DIV ID = "elOne"
STYLE = "display:none">
The third and fourth examples use this function:
- function expandIt(whichEl) {
whichIm = event.srcElement;
if (whichEl.style.display == "none") {
whichEl.style.display = "";
whichIm.src = "triUp.gif";
else {
whichEl.style.display = "none";
whichIm.src = "triDown.gif";
3. Image as link in the outline item head/single element (P) expansion:
- <H3>
<A HREF="javascript:expandIt(elOne)">
<IMG SRC="triDown.gif" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0
ALT="Expand/Collapse Item">
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
<P ID="elOne" STYLE="display:none">
4. Image with onClick in the outline item head/multiple element (DIV) expansion:
- <H3>
<IMG SRC="triDown.gif" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0
ALT="Expand/Collapse Item"
STYLE="cursor:hand"> <-- note: harms NS display
<DIV ID="elTwo" STYLE="display:none">
Netscape Navigator 4
As promised, we include the code discussed, plus the additional code necessary if you choose to hide the collapsable elements during page load. These additions/modifications are marked in blue.
All outline heads, expandable elements, and HTML that follows the outline are placed in DIVs, and a SCRIPT is included at page end.
<DIV ID="elOneParent" STYLE="position:absolute; visibility:visible"> or...STYLE="position:absolute; visibility:hidden"> <H3> <A HREF="#" onClick="expandIt('elOne'); return false"> <IMG NAME="imEx" SRC="triDown.gif" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0 ALT="Expand/Collapse Item"> </A> World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) </H3> </DIV> <DIV ID="elOneChild" STYLE="position:absolute; visibility:visible"> or...STYLE="position:absolute; visibility:hidden"> . . . </DIV>
- <DIV ID="elTwoParent"
STYLE="position:absolute; visibility:visible">
or...STYLE="position:absolute; visibility:hidden">
<A HREF="#"
onClick="expandIt('elTwo'); return false">
<IMG NAME="imEx"
SRC="triDown.gif" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0
ALT="Expand/Collapse Item">
<DIV ID="elTwoChild"
STYLE="position:absolute; visibility:visible">
or...STYLE="position:absolute; visibility:hidden">
<DIV ID="elRest1" STYLE="position:absolute; visibility:visible"> or...STYLE="position:absolute; visibility:hidden"> . . remainder of page elements (part 1) . </DIV> <DIV ID="elRest2" STYLE="position:absolute; visibility:visible"> or...STYLE="position:absolute; visibility:hidden"> . . remainder of page elements (part 2) . </DIV> . . possibly more DIVs . <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2"> <!-- if (NS4) { firstEl = "elOneParent"; firstInd = getIndex(firstEl); showAll(); arrange(); } //--> </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML>
The Script
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2"> <!-- function getIndex(el) { ind = null; for (i=0; i<document.layers.length; i++) { whichEl = document.layers[i]; if (whichEl.id == el) { ind = i; break; } } return ind; } function showAll() { for (i=firstInd; i<document.layers.length; i++) { whichEl = document.layers[i]; whichEl.visibility = "show"; } } function arrange() { nextY = document.layers[firstInd].pageY + document.layers[firstInd].document.height; for (i=firstInd+1; i<document.layers.length; i++) { whichEl = document.layers[i]; if (whichEl.visibility != "hide") { whichEl.pageY = nextY; nextY += whichEl.document.height; } } } function initIt(){ for (i=firstInd+1; i<document.layers.length; i++) { whichEl = document.layers[i]; if (whichEl.id.indexOf("Child") != -1) whichEl.visibility = "hide"; } arrange(); } function expandIt(el) { whichEl = eval("document." + el + "Child"); whichIm = eval("document." + el + "Parent.document.images['imEx']"); if (whichEl.visibility == "hide") { whichEl.visibility = "show"; whichIm.src = "triUp.gif"; } else { whichEl.visibility = "hide"; whichIm.src = "triDown.gif"; } arrange(); } onload = initIt; //--> </SCRIPT>
Our cross-browser version appears on the next code page.
Produced by Peter Belesis and
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.Created: Jan. 14, 1998
Revised: Jan. 18, 1998
URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column12/allCode1.html