3D Animation Workshop: Lesson 86: Cult3D Automates Interactivity | 2 | WebReference

3D Animation Workshop: Lesson 86: Cult3D Automates Interactivity | 2

Lesson 86 - Cult3D Automates Interactivity - Part 2

The Cult3D licensing options reflect the assumption that the main use of Cult3D content will be to present and demonstrate products for sale. Under one option, a company can choose to buy a license for a given product line, and pays $3,600, plus a $360 annual fee, to use Cult3D files to sell any products in that line. There is no limitation on the number of different Web sites that can be used, although, as a former lawyer, I suspect there might be room for disagreement on what constitutes a single product line. Another option that may make better sense for Web retailers allows a company to license the use of Cult3D for a single Web site, regardless of the number and variety of products and product lines offered, so long as the company does not hold the trademark on the products. Once again, the price is $3,600 plus a $360 annual fee.

Colleges and universities can acquire a license to use Cult3D for distance learning and other institutional purposes. This license is also $3,600, but is limited to noncommercial purposes. The true noncommercial "hobbyist" can apply for a free license.

A principal part of the Cult3D strategy is to leverage relationships with content developers who will ultimately generate license fees from their clients. Qualifying Web development and 3D modeling firms can obtain a Cult3D license for $360, and use it to display Cult content on their own sites. Cycore then pays commissions to such firms when they sell Cult3D content to their own clientele.

In short, Cycore has a rather clear vision of its marketplace. 3D content developers can get on board for $360, and have an incentive to use Cult3D in their projects. This is not an unreasonable cost. The $3,600 license fee is a big chunk to the little guy, but perhaps not too significant a factor to companies paying for 3D Web development.

The most interesting part of the Cult3D story is the Cult3D Designer authoring tool. MetaStream has, as yet, very limited interactivity and no animation. At the other extreme, Shout3D has unlimited interactivity and animation powers. But access to all these powers requires, to a great extent, command of Java and 3D graphics programming principles. Readers of these columns know that I believe these skills to be well worth the effort of acquiring by those would serious exploit the great opportunities in Web 3D. However, I must concede that many Web developers and 3D content providers abhor coding and would welcome an authoring tool for at least simple forms of interactivity. Cult3D's authoring tool is extremely interesting, and remarkably powerful. It invites exploration and experimentation in a way that is likely to produce a great deal of valuable content. Moreover, it points the way toward the generation of 3D Web authoring tools that is certain to develop in the near future.

Let's get started with a brief look.

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Created: Feb. 14, 2000
Revised: Feb. 14, 2000

URL: https://webreference.com/3d/lesson86/part2.html