loose DTD: PRE element
The <PRE> element represents a character cell block of text and is suitable for text that has been formatted for a monospaced font.
The <PRE> tag may be used with the optional WIDTH attribute. The WIDTH attribute specifies the maximum number of characters for a line and allows the HTML user agent to select a suitable font and indentation.
Within preformatted text:
- Line breaks within the text are rendered as a move to the
beginning of the next line.
- References to the "beginning of a new line" do not imply that the renderer is forbidden from using a constant left indent for rendering preformatted text. The left indent may be constrained by the width required.
- Anchor elements and phrase markup may be used.
- Constraints on the processing of <PRE> content may limit or prevent the ability of the HTML user agent to faithfully render phrase markup.
- Elements that define paragraph formatting (headings,
address, etc.) must not be used.
- Some historical documents contain <P> tags in <PRE> elements. User agents are encouraged to treat this as a line break. A <P> tag followed by a newline character should produce only one line break, not a line break plus a blank line.
- The horizontal tab character (code position 9 in the HTML document character set) must be interpreted as the smallest positive nonzero number of spaces which will leave the number of characters so far on the line as a multiple of 8. Documents should not contain tab characters, as they are not supported consistently.
Example of use:
<PRE> Line 1. Line 2 is to the right of line 1. <a href="abc">abc</a> Line 3 aligns with line 2. <a href="def">def</a> </PRE>
- a -- Anchor; source and/or destination of a link
- abbr
- acronym
- applet
- b -- Bold text
- basefont
- bdo
- big
- br -- Line break
- button
- cite -- Name or title of cited work
- code -- Source code phrase
- dfn
- em -- Emphasized phrase
- font
- i -- Italic text
- iframe
- img -- Image; icon, glyph or illustration
- input -- Form input datum
- kbd -- Keyboard phrase, e.g. user input
- label
- map
- object
- q
- s
- samp -- Sample text or characters
- script
- select -- Selection of option(s)
- small
- span
- strike
- strong -- Strong emphasis
- sub
- sup
- textarea -- An area for text input
- tt -- Typewriter text
- u
- var -- Variable phrase or substitutable
- Tag Minimization
Parent Elements
- applet
- blockquote -- Quoted passage
- body -- Document body
- button
- center
- dd -- Definition of term
- del
- div
- fieldset
- form -- Fill-out or data-entry form
- iframe
- ins
- li -- List item
- map
- noframes
- noscript
- object
- td
- th
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loose DTD