loose DTD: CODE element
The <CODE> element indicates an example of code, typically rendered in a mono-spaced font. The <CODE> element is intended for short words or phrases of code; the <PRE> block structuring element is more appropriate for multiple-line listings. For example:
<p>The expression <code>x += 1</code> is short for <code>x = x + 1</code>.
- a -- Anchor; source and/or destination of a link
- abbr
- acronym
- applet
- b -- Bold text
- basefont
- bdo
- big
- br -- Line break
- button
- cite -- Name or title of cited work
- code -- Source code phrase
- dfn
- em -- Emphasized phrase
- font
- i -- Italic text
- iframe
- img -- Image; icon, glyph or illustration
- input -- Form input datum
- kbd -- Keyboard phrase, e.g. user input
- label
- map
- object
- q
- s
- samp -- Sample text or characters
- script
- select -- Selection of option(s)
- small
- span
- strike
- strong -- Strong emphasis
- sub
- sup
- textarea -- An area for text input
- tt -- Typewriter text
- u
- var -- Variable phrase or substitutable
- Tag Minimization
Parent Elements
- a -- Anchor; source and/or destination of a link
- abbr
- acronym
- address -- Address, signature, or byline for document or passage
- applet
- b -- Bold text
- bdo
- big
- blockquote -- Quoted passage
- body -- Document body
- button
- caption
- center
- cite -- Name or title of cited work
- code -- Source code phrase
- dd -- Definition of term
- del
- dfn
- div
- dt -- Term in definition list
- em -- Emphasized phrase
- fieldset
- font
- form -- Fill-out or data-entry form
- h1 -- Heading, level 1
- h2 -- Heading, level 2
- h3 -- Heading, level 3
- h4 -- Heading, level 4
- h5 -- Heading, level 5
- h6 -- Heading, level 6
- i -- Italic text
- iframe
- ins
- kbd -- Keyboard phrase, e.g. user input
- label
- legend
- li -- List item
- noframes
- noscript
- object
- p -- Paragraph
- pre -- Preformatted text
- q
- s
- samp -- Sample text or characters
- small
- span
- strike
- strong -- Strong emphasis
- sub
- sup
- td
- th
- tt -- Typewriter text
- u
- var -- Variable phrase or substitutable
Top Elements
All Elements
loose DTD