WebReference.com - Part 2 of Extending the JXTA Shell, from Early Adopter JXTA (Wrox Press). (4/4) | WebReference

WebReference.com - Part 2 of Extending the JXTA Shell, from Early Adopter JXTA (Wrox Press). (4/4)

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Early Adopter JXTA

Compiling, Archiving and Deploying the mkdoc Command

In the src directory of the code distribution, you will find a Win32 batch file called makedoc.bat that can be used to compile the command and create the deployable JAR file. This batch file contains the following script:

javac -classpath %SHELLROOT%\lib\jxta.jar;%SHELLROOT%\lib\jxtashell.jar -d %SHELLROOT%\classes net\jxta\impl\shell\bin\mkdoc\*.java
cd ..\classes
jar cvf ..\custcmds\doccmd.jar net\jxta\impl\shell\bin\mkdoc\*.class
cd ..\src

The resulting JAR file is called doccmd.jar and placed in the custcmds directory waiting for deployment.

Change directory to custcmds, and start the shell using the runshell.bat file.

Now, you can install the shell extension:

JXTA> instjar doccmd.jar

Finally, you can test out the mkdoc command. You might want to use the custdoc usage scenario presented earlier as your initial attempt.

We have seen yet again that extending the JXTA shell with custom commands is actually quite easy once we get the hang of it. In fact, you can create your own collection of frequently used custom commands relatively easily. The instjar and uninstjar mechanism makes using these extensions a joy.

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Created: January 28, 2002
Revised: January 28, 2002

URL: https://webreference.com/programming/jxta/chap3/2/4.html