WebReference.com - Part 2 of Extending the JXTA Shell, from Early Adopter JXTA (Wrox Press). (3/4) | WebReference

WebReference.com - Part 2 of Extending the JXTA Shell, from Early Adopter JXTA (Wrox Press). (3/4)

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Early Adopter JXTA

Now, a structured document has been created, we assign it to either the left hand side of the assignment or a new environment variable. This is taken care of us by the getReturnVariable() method courtesy of the ShellApp class. The getReturnVariable() method will fetch the environment variable referred to on the left hand side of the assignment, if any, or create a new env? to hold the result if there isn't one (now you can see why so many JXTA commands create env? variables as a side effect of their work).

Note also that we can only assign objects of type ShellObject to an environment variable. Fortunately, ShellObjects are simply a data structure, which can contain any Java object, plus an associated name. In this case, the name is StructuredDocument. In this way, one can simply treat environment variables the same way as Java variables. Any ShellObject that we assign to an environment variable will become available to the user of the shell, and any subsequent commands that they may execute.

        new ShellObject("StructuredDocument", doc));
      return ShellApp.appNoError;

For the -c and -e switches, there is no need to create a StructuredDocument ShellObject, so we store them simply as String typed ShellObjects. This will keep them in an easy-to-manipulate form.

      new ShellObject("String", myElement));
    return ShellApp.appNoError; 
  public void stopApp () {

The helper getRestOfArgs() method combines all the specified arguments into one string. It artificially inserts one blank in between each of the detected arguments during the construction of the String.

  public String getRestOfArgs(String [] args, int idx) {
    int arysize = args.length;
    String res = args[idx];
    for (int i=(idx + 1); i < arysize; i++) {
      res = res + " " + args[i];
    return res;

The helper mergeAllElements() method works similarly to getRestOfArgs(), but treats each of the arguments as a ShellObject of type String. This is the way we store elements using mkdoc. The mergeAllElements() method accesses each of the environment variables specified in the arguments, and concatenates their contents together. Note that unlike getRestOfArgs(), there is no need for blank re-insertion.

  public String mergeAllElements(  String [] args, int idx) {
    int arysize = args.length;
    String res = "";
    try {
      for (int i= idx; i <arysize; i++) {
        ShellObject obj = env.get (args[i]);
            res += (String) obj.getObject();
    catch (Exception ex) { 
      println("mkdoc: sorry, cannot access some elements.");
      res = "";  
      return res;

The reportError() method gives the user some hint on how to use the command – it is called when the command is invoked incorrectly.

  private int reportError() {
    println ("usage: mkdoc [-e <element name> <element 
    println ("     [-c <element name> <element> .... ]");
    println ("     [-d <doctype> <element> .... ]");
    println (" ");
    println ("'man mkdoc' to get more information.");
    return ShellApp.appParamError;

The getDescription() method gives a short description of the command, for man's summary.

  public String getDescription() {
    return "Creates a structured document in memory.";

The help() method gives a detailed description of the command, for a 'man page' of help information.

  public void help() {
    println("     mkdoc - create a sructured 
            document in memory.");
    println(" ");
    println("     mkdoc [-e <element name> 
            <element content>]");
    println("           [-c <element name> <element>...]");
    println("           [-d <doctype> <element> ....]");
    println(" ");
    println(" ");
    println("'mkdoc' provides a way to create complete 
    println("documents from scratch, in memory, 
            without using file.");
    println(" ");
    println("First, you use -e to create 
            environment variables that");
    println("contains the element you want. 
            Then you can use -c to");
    println("combine them in new elements, 
              or just create a structured");
    println("document using the -d option");
    println(" ");
    println("    JXTA>name=mkdoc -e name Joe Baxer");
    println("    JXTA>phone=mkdoc -e phone 223-222-3333");
    println("    JXTA>mydoc=mkdoc -d CustData name phone");
    println("    The commands above creates a structured 
            document with");
    println("     root of CustData containing the name and 
            phone info.");
    println(" ");

This completes the code analysis, so it's time to give this code a try.

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Created: January 28, 2002
Revised: January 28, 2002

URL: https://webreference.com/programming/jxta/chap3/2/3.html