This index covers all the new articles featured on our Web site. Many of the articles are contributed by our readers, others by freelance writers. Your words could be read — and your voice could be heard — by tens of thousands of our visitors and subscribers to our newsletter. Sound interesting? Submit your article today:
[The difference between the two methods is that articles submitted using the Open Publishing Initiative are generally shorter than the freelance articles, and the author does not receive monetary compensation. Freelance submissions are accepted upon receipt of a signed freelance contract. The freelance author does receive compensation.]
- It's Grammar Stylin' Time Kids!
- Meryl Evans continues her crusade to clean up the Web's writing with an essay on tricky grammar gotchas like "which" vs. "that" and "effect" vs. "affect." December 28, 2000
- Information Architecture - A New Opportunity
- Angshuman Das introduces us to an emerging field in the Web development world - Information Architecture. Often thrown in under other design job titles, this position is gaining momentum. Read on to find out how you can reap the benefits. December 21, 2000
- Achieving A Consistent Look and Readable Type Across Platforms
- Wes Reimer explains the difference in font displays on differing operating systems and browsers. A solution is easier than you might think, just follow this article and you'll be on your way! December 15, 2000
- Minimizing 404 Not Found Errors
- Marsha Glassner explains how to rid your site of 404 pages. These errors not only annoy us, but also drive traffic away. Read on to learn what every webmaster needs to know. December 7, 2000
- Site Design: You Get What You Pay For
- Amid nonstop talk of usability issues - both online and off, Jason Ogle discusses how Web design reflects this issue. Are you providing the right services for the right price? November 30, 2000
- The Judge Rules for "E-mail" with a Big "E"
- Meryl Evans returns by popular demand with even more information on on-line grammar. Or is that online? You'll have to read more to find out. November 23, 2000
- Yours For The Taking: Protecting Your Idea
- Melody McKinnon shows how to protect yourself from the unscrupulous stealing your idea. November 16, 2000
- Instant Gratification and Search Engine Rankings
- Peggie Brown breaks down the mystery behind getting your site off the ground. Shake and bake ranking recipes don't always produce the quality search engine listings your site needs. November 9, 2000
- I Say E-Mail, You Say Email
- Meryl Evans takes on the techno lingo of the Internet age and tackles the tough issues. Are there really grammar rules for the Web? Find out if you should be writing html or HTML code for the Net. November 2, 2000
- Collecting Feedback About Your Website's Search Interface
- Famed usability gurus Jakob Nielsen and Kara Pernice Coyne show how to test your site's search interface for usability. October 26, 2000
- Tread Carefully For International Design
- Angshuman Das authored this article on avoiding an international snafu on your site. Using certain animations, sayings, or colors could really turn off your potential customers. Read on to learn what not to do when taking your site global. October 19, 2000
- Traffic Boosters
-'s own founding father, Andrew King shares some secrets of the trade for increasing traffic or your Web site. October 12, 2000
- Webnotes: Writing for the Web
- It's a free Web writing workshop. Author Robert Anthony shares with us the way most Web browsers read and what this means for online content. October 5, 2000
- Avoiding Legal Trouble When Registering Domain Names
- This week, Doug Isenberg responds to last week's article, "How to Create Profitable Domain Names" from a legal view. Is any form of domain buying and selling cybersquatting? Read on and find out what Doug, and the law, have to say about it. September 28, 2000
- How to Create Profitable Domain Names
- Writer Lee Hodgson returns with the inside scoop on creating and buying domain names - for a profit. He's giving away his tried and true techniques for free! September 21, 2000
- Scholars Discuss Open Code Benefits
- WebRef's own Andrew King reports from the recent John Seely Brown Symposium on Technology and Society, held at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor campus. The topic of the day was Open Code, and these scholars had a mouthful to say in its defense. September 14, 2000
- Form Validation with Cold Fusion and JavaScript
- Joe Copley demonstrates a simple scripting solution to validating Cold Fusion forms with JavaScript. This "best-of-both-worlds" approach allows you to leapfrog the limitations inherent in both technologies. September 7, 2000
- Persistent Perl on the Virtual Host
- Writer Mark Porter discusses a work-around to hosts that won't give you the scripting access you need, with a handy little program called SpeedyCGI. Find out how your site can benefit! August 31, 2000
- Fill the Need for Speed with Content Delivery Services
- Jon Zeeff of SolidSpeed Networks gives us an overview of Content Delivery Services from an insider's perspective. Is a CDS the key to making your site faster and more reliable? August 24, 2000
- Eat a Web Site for Breakfast
- Writer Linda Goin serves up design help with a full plate of Web sites for breakfast. Your design tells visitors more than you think about your company. Read on and find out what your site's image is! August 17, 2000
- Banners are Blunted - Other Options for Buyers and Sellers
- Writer Adam Laitt returns for another look at online advertising. The banner ad is losing its appeal - but what are the other options for ads on the Net? Read on and find out! August 10, 2000
- Cashing in on Unused Domain Names
- Are your unused domains worth real money? Is this sometimes lucrative, sometimes controversial business right for you? In this week's open publishing article, Lee Hodgson offers some practical advice for jumping into the domain name game. August 3, 2000
- Selling Advertising on Your Site
- Writer Adam Laitt takes a look at selling advertising on your site. If you're ready to start advertising, you need to consider what you are selling, how you're serving it up, how much you're charging and how you're going to find someone to pay for it. July 27, 2000
- Handy Hints for Web Designers
- Writer Manas Tungare sends in a list of handy hints for Web designers. From valuable lessons for newcomers, to helpful reminders for old hands, Manas' first open publishing article is filled with tips for everyone. July 13, 2000
- SOM - Your New Baby
- Writer Gordon Rose returns with a look at the SOM, Microsoft's scripting object model, and shows you how to nurture this technology into a bundle of Web development joy. July 6, 2000
- Following the XHTML Path
- Writer David Jenkins introduces XHTML - the next generation markup language that represents the path between HTML and XML. June 29, 2000
- Design and Content Tips
- Writer Peggie Brown gives us her design and content tips for a successful Web presence. June 22, 2000
- Health Lessons for Computer Professionals
- Webreference editor, Eric Cook, looks at some of the health issues faced by computer and Web professionals. Are the demands of the info-economy turning you into a sleep-deprived zombie with sprained wrists? Learn what you can do to protect yourself and your well-being. June 15, 2000
- Newbies - Don't Let Anyone Kick Sand in Your Face!
- Writer Byron Hunte provides information for those just starting out in the e-business world that he wishes someone had told him long ago. June 1, 2000
- A Little More Than Standard
- Writer Ryan Hancock offers both a proposal and an invitation to the Web development community - that collectively created standards for Web design would be as useful as standards for the markup and programming languages that developers use. What do you think? More explicit Web design standards - help or hindrance? May 25, 2000
- Seven Strategies for Building and Managing an Internet Business
- More and more small businesses are getting online every day. But for the "un-wired" business owner, setting up shop on the Web can be an intimidating task. Amy Flynn lays out seven strategies for building an on-line presence for small businesses. May 18, 2000
- PhotoImpact 5 Packs an Affordable Punch
- A review of PhotoImpact 5, an affordable and productive graphics editing program, designed with Web developers in mind. May 11, 2000
- COPPA & WAI: New Hurdles Point Out Solid Lessons
- Take a look at the new challenges being presented to Web developers by COPPA and the WAI, and discover that the solutions are familiar - privacy, respect and accessibility. May 4, 2000
- Online Branding: Developers and Designers Hold the Key
- Wanda Cummings covers online branding - it's not just for Fortune 500 sites, and can make the difference between keeping and losing your site's visitors. April 27, 2000
- BeOS 5 Bounds onto the Scene
- Webreference Assistant Editor Eric Cook offers a look at BeOS 5, the new free operating system that's creating a stir. Does it live up to the hype? April 20, 2000
- Molly Holzschlag, and the Human Side of the Web
- Maura "Chip" Yost interviews Molly Holzschlag. Molly is a prolific Web author, instructor, and designer. In this interview, the two discuss technology and the sometimes overlooked human side of the Web. April 13, 2000
- XML: A Primer
- Gordon Rose reviews Simon St. Laurent's "XML: A Primer." In this book, St. Laurent offers a big picture view of XML, it's relationship to existing markup languages, and how XML will be used in the real world. April 6, 2000
- XML: To be, or not B2B?
- Mark Henry confronts the question of XML - is it all it's cracked up to be (or B2B, as the case may be). March 30, 2000
- Web Editing Anywhere
- Ken Boucher clues us in on some free new tools that allow you to edit and maintain your Web site from any browser in the world. March 23, 2000
- The Path to ASP
- Alan Mendelevich returns with another ASP-focused article. Interested in ASP, but not sure how to get started? Alan launches you down the road with this article. March 16, 2000
- Beat your own Drum - Macromedia Drumbeat 2000
- Aneesha Bakharia reviews Macromedia Drumbeat 2000. Does this Web development tool make creating "dynamic, database-driven sites" as easy as it claims? March 9, 2000
- Jumping on the Cluetrain with David Weinberger
- Maura "Chip" Yost interviews David Weinberger, one of the co-authors of the popular book "The Cluetrain Manifesto". March 2, 2000
- Building Dynamic Pages with XML, XSL and JSP
- Bob Rudis show us how to get started serving up dynamic Web pages by using XML, XSL, and JSP. February 24, 2000
- Get Creative With Flash Preloaders
- Robert Roberts covers the importance of Flash preloaders - when dealing with Flash sites, you've got to engage the viewer quick, or risk losing them. February 17, 2000
- Credit Card Snafus! Tons of Dog Food! What's Going On Online?
- B.L. Ochman shows us that not planning for the success of your Website can be the same as planning for failure. February 10, 2000
- Communicate With Color
- Maura Yost points out that effective use of color is one of the most direct ways to communicate on your pages - and not nearly as straightforward as you may have thought. February 3, 2000
- Adding Features to Your ASP Site
- Alan Mendelevich returns with more tips on using ASP to implement three commonly requested site features, a follow-up to 10 Reasons to Develop in ASP. January 27, 2000
- 3 Myths of Internet Privacy
- Dave Murphy looks at 3 myths of Internet privacy, and reminds us that honesty is the best policy. January 20, 2000
- Using VBScript to define and control JavaScript on Active Server Pages
- Jerry Gray shows us how to "Mix and Match", using VBScript and JavaScript together on Active Server Pages. January 13, 2000
- Web Site Personality Check
- Wendy Peck explains why you should check the personality of your site to make sure it fits the personality of your readers. January 6, 2000