Embedding Sound with Flash, Part IV: Native JavaScript: Embedding SWFs - Doc JavaScript
Embedding Sound with Flash, Part IV: Native JavaScript
Embedding SWFs
To embed a SWF, we use the <EMBED>
tag in Netscape Navigator, and the <OBJECT>
tag in IE. In IE the size is minimal, 1x1. Netscape Navigator 4.7 requires a minimum size of 1x2. We hide the SWF by coloring it with the same background color of the page. The function Flash_embedSWF()
does the embedding. It takes two arguments: the SWF's URL and the object color. Here is the code:
function Flash_embedSWF(srcURL, swfbgColor) { if (!Flash_checkForMinPlayer()) return; var defaultColor = (document.bgColor != null) ? document.bgColor : "#ffffff"; var bgcolor = (swfbgColor != null) ? swfbgColor : defaultColor; document.writeln( '<OBJECT classid= "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"' + 'codebase="https://active.macromedia.com/flash2/cabs/ swflash.cab#version=4,0,0,0"' + 'ID="sonify" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1>' + '<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="' + srcURL + '">' + '<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=low>' + '<PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=transparent>'+ '<PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=' + bgcolor + '>' + '<EMBED swLiveConnect="true" NAME="sonify"' + 'src="' + srcURL + '"' + 'quality=low' + 'wmode=transparent' + 'bgcolor=' + bgcolor + 'WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=2' + 'TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"'+ 'PLUGINSPAGE="https://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/ index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash">' + '</EMBED>' + '</OBJECT>' ); }
Following the SWF embedding, you need to create a SWF object. This JavaScript object is associated with the embedded SWF, and supports the wealth of properties and methods that SWFs sport. The object is defined as follows:
mySoundObj = window.document.swfID;
where swfID
is the object ID
that we assign to the embedded SWF in IE's OBJECT
tag, or the object NAME
that we assign to the embedded SWF in Netscape Navigator's EMBED
For example, the write statement above assigns sonify
as the ID/NAME
of the embedded SWF, so creating the object in this case would be straightforward:
mySoundObj = window.document.sonify;
Next: How to use a Flash method
Produced by Yehuda Shiran and Tomer Shiran
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.
Created: May 21, 2001
Revised: May 21, 2001
URL: https://www.webreference.com/js/column84/4.html