Scrolling HTML Basics, Part III: Controlling the Scroll Box - | WebReference

Scrolling HTML Basics, Part III: Controlling the Scroll Box -

Controlling the Scroll Box

When you want to change the characteristics of the scrolling box, you can change one of the following parameters:

The parameters are placed in a separate script, scrollerconfig.js:

// Begin parameters of scroller
var Gsrc = "jscolumns.html";
var Ginterval = 50;
  // The number of milliseconds between each vertical movement.
var Gdelay = 20;
var Gincrement = 1; // The distance (in pixels) of each movement.
var GcanvasColor = "#FFCCff";
  // background color of scroller, named or hex
var GleftPadding = 3;
// End parameters of scroller

The Gdelay variable is used to synchronize the various page loading, and does not control the appearance of the page.

Produced by Yehuda Shiran and Tomer Shiran

Created: December 21, 1998
Revised: December 21, 1998