Take a Stand and Understand the Standard - HTML with Style | 2 | WebReference

Take a Stand and Understand the Standard - HTML with Style | 2


Take a Stand and Understand the Standard

On August 11th, 1999, the Web Standards Project, also lovingly known as the WaSP, circulated a petition urging Microsoft to commit to adopting W3C standards in the next version of Internet Explorer. That just about says it all, really, and if you haven't signed the petition yet, make sure you do so after you've read this article (I'll remind you at the end just in case it slips your mind). It only took me 20 seconds and it gives you a big warm glowy feeling that makes you all mushy inside. These guys are fighting the Good Fight.

But besides all of that, you can't help getting a feeling of herewegoagainness (Webster, eat your heart out) when you see something like this. The issue's been rolled over so many times, debated far and wide on every forum possible and generally beaten to a point beyond recognition with various large bludgeoning instruments. I could go on about why this is not Microsoft bashing, why it's important stuff and all the other things I've been saying for so long they kind of roll off the tongue (or keyboard, as the case may be) easier than the National Anthem (and mine's in Greek, too). I won't. Those of you who haven't read my stuff can do so on this page and will find all the necessary propaganda. Or read the WaSP's stuff, or ask just about anyone with a clue and an unbiased opinion (yeah right, as if that's easy to find). That's not what got me thinking in this little exercise in kicking Keynesian economics back into line. It's a little phrase in the press release.

The guys at WaSP say that Microsoft has to adopt W3C standards, and that, "If they do this, The Web Standards Project will have largely fulfilled its mission to bring these standards to our medium." I did a double-take when I read this. It kind of gives you a "that's all, huh?" kind of feeling. Is that what we're looking for in the Web? Quick answer: no. But the point bears thought. What do we want from the Web? And who are "we"? I'm not sure, but I certainly have a lot to say on the issue. Read on, this gets interesting.


URL: https://www.webreference.com/html/watch/standards/

Produced by Stephanos Piperoglou
Created: August 25, 1999
Revised: August 26, 2089