Tutorial 23: The Font of Foulness, Part II: Many Faces, Many Colors - HTML with Style | 2 | WebReference

Tutorial 23: The Font of Foulness, Part II: Many Faces, Many Colors - HTML with Style | 2


Tutorial 23: The Font of Foulness, Part II: Many Faces, Many Colors

In Tutorial 22, we covered the use of the FONT, BIG, SMALL and BASEFONT elements to control font size in HTML, and explained how you can consistently replace them with CSS directives. In this, the second part of our look at FONT, we examine FONT's other uses.

The situation here is much simpler than the size problem, since most of FONT's other functionality is implemented identically in CSS in both Internet Explorer and Navigator; so you won't have to remember any hideous bugs and workarounds.



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URL: https://www.webreference.com/html/tutorial23/

Produced by Stephanos Piperoglou
Created: June 29, 2000
Revised: June 29, 2000