Tutorial 19: CSS Positioning, Part II - HTML with Style | 7 | WebReference

Tutorial 19: CSS Positioning, Part II - HTML with Style | 7


Tutorial 19: CSS Positioning, Part II


Turn it around

Take the document in our last example, and try to reverse the situation, by laying out the right column with absolute positioning and the left column with fixed positioning. Is there any difference with different viewport sizes?

The more the merrier

Can you create more than two columns with this technique? Using your answer to the first excercise, place a column on the left as well as the right of the fixed column. Can you add more than three? How does this affect elements after your columns?



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URL: https://www.webreference.com/html/tutorial19/6.html

Produced by Stephanos Piperoglou
Created: March 08, 2000
Revised: August 15, 2000