Tutorial 14: Framing the Web, Part I - HTML with Style | WebReference

Tutorial 14: Framing the Web, Part I - HTML with Style


Tutorial 14: Framing the Web, Part I


Changing multiple frames

Using only what you've learned in this tutorial, create a frameset with two frames: one running along the left that holds links to sections in the document, and a main frame that holds the text of the current section. When you click on the section links in the left frame, the main frame must be updated with the appropriate section, and the left frame must be updated so that there is no link to the current section.

Changing multiple frames from a different frame

Using only what you've learned in this tutorial, create a frameset with three frames: one running along the top that holds links to the main sections in a document, another along the left that holds links to sub-sections in the current section, and a main frame that holds either the text of the current sub-section or the index page of the current section. When you click on the sub-section headers, the behaviour should be as described in the previous exercise. When you click on the section headers, both the left frame and the main frame must be updated accordingly. Compare the number of HTML documents you require for this implementation with the number of sections in the document.

Frame Logistics

I've only mentioned a few of the problems with frames in this tutorial. Using what you've learned so far, can you think of any other ones?


URL: https://www.webreference.com/html/tutorial14/exercises1.html

Produced by Stephanos Piperoglou
Created: June 30, 1999
Revised: June 30, 1999