Web Color Reference - HTML with Style | 2
Web Color Reference
Named Colors
The HTML 4.x specifications defines sixteen color names that can be used instead of color values in HTML. These colors are valid values for attributes such as BGCOLOR or LINK on the BODY element. The CSS2 specification also uses these colors as color values which can be used with properties such as color, background-color or border-color.
HTML 4.01 & CSS2 Colors | |||||||
Color Name | Hex 6 | Hex 3 | RGB | RGB% | Websafe | Reallysafe | Sample |
black | #000000 | #000 | 0,0,0 | 0%,0%,0% | Yes | Yes | |
silver | #C0C0C0 | #CCC | 192,192,192 | 75%,75%,75% | No | No | |
gray | #808080 | #888 | 128,128,128 | 50%,50%,50% | No | No | |
white | #FFFFFF | #FFF | 255,255,255 | 100%,100%,100% | Yes | Yes | |
maroon | #800000 | #800 | 128,0,0 | 50%,0%,0% | No | No | |
red | #FF0000 | #F00 | 255,0,0 | 100%,0%,0% | Yes | Yes | |
purple | #800080 | #808 | 128,0,128 | 50%,0%,50% | No | No | |
fuchsia | #FF00FF | #F0F | 255,0,255 | 100%,0%,100% | Yes | Yes | |
green | #008000 | #080 | 0,128,0 | 0%,50%,0% | No | No | |
lime | #00FF00 | #0F0 | 0,255,0 | 0%,100%,0% | Yes | Yes | |
olive | #808000 | #880 | 128,128,0 | 50%,50%,0% | No | No | |
yellow | #FFFF00 | #FF0 | 255,255,0 | 100%,100%,0% | Yes | Yes | |
navy | #000080 | #008 | 0,0,128 | 0%,0%,50% | No | No | |
blue | #0000FF | #00F | 0,0,255 | 0%,0%,100% | Yes | Yes | |
teal | #008080 | #088 | 0,128,128 | 0%,50%,50% | No | No | |
aqua | #00FFFF | #0FF | 0,255,255 | 0%,100%,100% | Yes | Yes |
URL: https://www.webreference.com/html/reference/color/named.html
Produced by Stephanos Piperoglou
Created: December 13, 2000
Revised: October 6, 2003