Graphic Greats: Production Graphics with Wendy Peck at | 42 | WebReference

Graphic Greats: Production Graphics with Wendy Peck at | 42


Graphic Greats: Lynda on Web Work


“We're at the absolute beginning; in fact, we're in prehistoric times ... someday people will look back on these as the cave days of networked communication.”

Wendy: Do you see any trends that increase or decrease the opportunities for virtual work?

Lynda: The Web is making it possible for people to live and work remotely, and that will continue to increase. I am an example of this myself! I live in a beautiful small town that has no real industry so very few people can live here. All I need is a modem (OK, I have T1 now) and Fedex and I can live anywhere. This is happening all over the country and the world, and is changing the geography of the work force.




Wendy: If you could have one wish, forgetting the practicality of whether it can be done, what would you like to see changed in the Web development world?

Lynda: Open standards, open source, browser compatibility and cross-platform compatibility. A tall order indeed.




Wendy: Do you think Web development will to come to a screeching halt at any time in the foreseeable future, or are we still at the beginning of the wave?

Lynda: We're at the absolute beginning; in fact, we're in prehistoric times. We're witnessing the emergence of this medium. It's an exciting time to be involved, but someday people will look back on these as the cave days of networked communication.



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Created: Mar. 22, 2000
Revised: Mar. 22, 2000