DHTML Lab: HierMenus CENTRAL: Version 3.x FAQ #14 - dhtmlab.com | WebReference

DHTML Lab: HierMenus CENTRAL: Version 3.x FAQ #14 - dhtmlab.com

Frequently Asked Question #14

Entered: August 22, 2000

I am using the HM script in a very long page. I am creating only a couple of menus and, judging from the status bar display during menu creation, the menus are created quickly. However, in IE, there is an inexplicable, and unacceptable, delay before the menu-creation begins. This behavior is not exhibited in NS. Why?

In Version 3.08, we identified and fixed a problem with the z-index of menu elements. In short:

In Navigator, all new positioned elements (layers) are created above the top-most element in the page in z-order. This suits the menu elements, since they must always display over other elements.

In Explorer, new positioned elements do not have their z-index set automatically. They will only appear over elements with the same (i.e. no) z-index. If you have manually specified a z-index for an element, the menus will appear under that element.

This problem was fixed in Version 3.08 by introducing a loop, for IE users, that checks every element on the page, determines the highest z-index present, and declares the z-index value that should be assigned to the menu elements. Once this value is established, the script begins to create the menus.

In normal-size pages, the time consumed by the loop is indiscernible. However, in very long pages, especially those that are table-intensive, the delay caused by the loop before menu-creation may be unacceptable. Even worse, the delay may be in vain if you have not declared a z-index for any elements in your page.


Identify the loop in the makeTop() function of the HM script:

function makeTop(){
    beingCreated = true;
    if(IE4) {
        topZ = 0;
        for (z=0;z<menuLoc.document.all.length;z++){
            oldEl = menuLoc.document.all(z);
            topZ = Math.max(oldEl.style.zIndex,topZ)

Omit the loop and hard-code a high z-index value (topZ) for the IE menu elements. This value should be larger than any other element's z-index that you have set. If you have not set any other z-index value, just give topZ any positive value:

function makeTop(){
    beingCreated = true;
    if(IE4) {
        topZ = 5000;
    //  for (z=0;z<menuLoc.document.all.length;z++){
    //      oldEl = menuLoc.document.all(z);
    //      topZ = Math.max(oldEl.style.zIndex,topZ)
    //  }

Thanks to Gary Fenton, for placing his client's menus in an unforeseen environment, and forcing the problem to appear. The page hosted a 4600-element table, and was over 300K long without images!

Produced by Peter Belesis and

All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.
Created: Aug 22, 2000
Revised: June 26, 2001

URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/hiermenus/version3/faq/faq14.html

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