DHTML Lab: HierMenus CENTRAL: Version 3.x FAQ #12 - dhtmlab.com | WebReference

DHTML Lab: HierMenus CENTRAL: Version 3.x FAQ #12 - dhtmlab.com

Frequently Asked Question #12

Entered: May 30, 2000

How can I avoid the status bar displays that the HM script generates, that is:
      "Creating Hierarchical Menus: xxx" and
      "xxx Hierachical Menus Created"?

The browser status bar displays the menu-building progress and a final message when the menus are ready. These are simply courtesy messages to keep the user informed.

The progress messages are created in the makeMenuNS() function for Navigator users and makeMenuIE() for Explorer users:

function makeMenuNS(isChild,menuCount,parMenu,parItem) {
    status = "Creating Hierarchical Menus: " + menuCount + " / " + menu.itemCount;
function makeMenuIE(isChild,menuCount,parMenu) {
    status = "Creating Hierarchical Menus: " + menuCount + " / " + menu.itemCount;

The final message is created in the makeTop() function:

function makeTop(){
    status = (topCount-1) + " Hierarchical Menu Trees Created"

If you do not want any message to appear in the status bar, you can either:

  1. delete the three lines above, or

  2. place comments at the beginning of each of the three lines. For example:
    // status = ...

Produced by Peter Belesis and

All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.
Created: May 30, 2000
Revised: June 26, 2001

URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/hiermenus/version3/faq/faq12.html

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