dltypeof - Custom JS typeof operator - DHTML Lab | 2
JavaScript Programming: dltypeof() v1.0,
An Introduction
Using dltypeof()
Use dltypeof() whereever you would use typeof().
The typeof() operator has two syntax variants:
typeof vExpression
typeof( vExpression )
The dltypeof() function has only one:
dltypeof( vExpression )
Don't forget the parentheses !JS Objects
All the JS objects that are identified as "object" by typeof() are given more meaningful and obvious identifiers.
The JS Object object has a type of "jsobject" to clearly identify it as a JS object and to differentiate it from any other "object" that dltypeof() may fail to isolate as a unique type.
The JS Function.arguments object is given its own type of "arguments" since it is not a true array.
Any JS object that you create with a constructor function is identified with the name of the constructor function.
For example, let's say you create car objects with the following syntax:
function car( sMake, sModel, nWheels ) { this.sMake = sMake; this.sModel = sModel; this.nWheels = nWheels; } var oMerc = new car( "Mercedes", "Grand Sports Tourier", 4 ); var oToy = new car( "Toyota", "Corolla", 4 );
dltypeof( oMerc ) returns "car" dltypeof( oToy ) returns "car"
The following table lists all the possible return values for JS objects as well as the original typeof() return values
JS object | typeof() return value | dltypeof() return value |
Boolean | boolean | boolean |
Function | function | function |
Number | number | number |
String | string | string |
[ no object ] | undefined | undefined |
Arguments | object | arguments |
Array | object | array |
Date | object | date |
Error | object | error |
Math | object | math |
Null | object | null |
Object | object | jsobject |
RegExp | object | regexp |
[ custom ] | object | CustomConstructorFunctionName |
dltypeof() also identifies DOM objects.
Send a comment or suggestion to Peter Belesis
Created: August 23, 2004Revised: August 23, 2004
URL: https://webreference.com/dhtml/column68/2.html