Hiermenus Go Forth, XXX - DHTML Lab | 9 | WebReference

Hiermenus Go Forth, XXX - DHTML Lab | 9


Hiermenus Go Forth, XXX:
Version 4.3 - Full-Window

This HM external file performs the browser detection and the conditional loading of the HM arrays and script (HM_Loader.js).

* by Peter Belesis. v4.3 020610
* Copyright (c) 2002 Peter Belesis. All Rights Reserved.
   HM_DOM = (document.getElementById) ? true : false;
   HM_NS4 = (document.layers) ? true : false;
    HM_IE = (document.all) ? true : false;
   HM_IE4 = HM_IE && !HM_DOM;
   HM_Mac = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") != -1);
  HM_IE4M = HM_IE4 && HM_Mac;
 HM_Opera = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")!=-1);
 HM_Konqueror = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Konqueror")!=-1);
HM_IsMenu = !HM_Opera && !HM_IE4M && (HM_DOM || HM_NS4 || HM_IE4 || HM_Konqueror);
HM_BrowserString = HM_NS4 ? "NS4" : HM_DOM ? "DOM" : "IE4";
if(window.event + "" == "undefined") event = null;
function HM_f_PopUp(){return false};
function HM_f_PopDown(){return false};
popUp = HM_f_PopUp;
popDown = HM_f_PopDown;
HM_GL_MenuWidth          = 150;
HM_GL_FontFamily         = "Arial,sans-serif";
HM_GL_FontSize           = 10;
HM_GL_FontBold           = true;
HM_GL_FontItalic         = false;
HM_GL_FontColor          = "black";
HM_GL_FontColorOver      = "white";
HM_GL_BGColor            = "transparent";
HM_GL_BGColorOver        = "transparent";
HM_GL_ItemPadding        = 3;
HM_GL_BorderWidth        = 2;
HM_GL_BorderColor        = "red";
HM_GL_BorderStyle        = "solid";
HM_GL_SeparatorSize      = 2;
HM_GL_SeparatorColor     = "yellow";
HM_GL_ImageSrc = "HM_More_black_right.gif";
HM_GL_ImageSrcLeft = "HM_More_black_left.gif";
HM_GL_ImageSrcOver = "HM_More_white_right.gif";
HM_GL_ImageSrcLeftOver = "HM_More_white_left.gif";
HM_GL_ImageSize          = 5;
HM_GL_ImageHorizSpace    = 5;
HM_GL_ImageVertSpace     = 5;
HM_GL_KeepHilite         = false;
HM_GL_ClickStart         = false;
HM_GL_ClickKill          = 0;
HM_GL_ChildOverlap       = 40;
HM_GL_ChildOffset        = 10;
HM_GL_ChildPerCentOver   = null;
HM_GL_TopSecondsVisible  = .5;
HM_GL_ChildSecondsVisible = .3;
HM_GL_StatusDisplayBuild = 0;
HM_GL_StatusDisplayLink  = 1;
HM_GL_UponDisplay        = null;
HM_GL_UponHide           = null;
HM_GL_RightToLeft      = false;
HM_GL_CreateTopOnly      = HM_NS4 ? true : false;
HM_GL_ShowLinkCursor     = true;
HM_GL_ScrollEnabled = false;
HM_GL_ScrollBarHeight = 14;
HM_GL_ScrollBarColor = "lightgrey";
HM_GL_ScrollImgSrcTop = "HM_More_black_top.gif";
HM_GL_ScrollImgSrcBot = "HM_More_black_bot.gif";
HM_GL_ScrollImgWidth = 9;
HM_GL_ScrollImgHeight = 5;
HM_GL_ScrollBothBars = true;

HM_GL_HoverTimeTop  = 1000;
HM_GL_HoverTimeTree = 1000;
// the following function is included to illustrate the improved JS expression handling of
// the left_position and top_position parameters introduced in 4.0.9
// and modified in 4.1.3 to account for IE6 standards-compliance mode
// you may delete if you have no use for it
function HM_f_CenterMenu(topmenuid) {
    var MinimumPixelLeft = 0;
    var TheMenu = HM_DOM ? document.getElementById(topmenuid) : window[topmenuid];
    var TheMenuWidth = HM_DOM ? parseInt(TheMenu.style.width) : HM_IE4 ? TheMenu.style.pixelWidth : TheMenu.clip.width;
    var TheWindowWidth = HM_IE ? (HM_DOM ? HM_Canvas.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth) : window.innerWidth;
    return Math.max(parseInt((TheWindowWidth-TheMenuWidth) / 2),MinimumPixelLeft);
if(HM_IsMenu) {
    document.write("<SCR" + "IPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript1.2' SRC='HM_Arrays.js' TYPE='text/javascript'><\/SCR" + "IPT>");
    document.write("<SCR" + "IPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript1.2' SRC='HM_Script"+ HM_BrowserString +".js' TYPE='text/javascript'><\/SCR" + "IPT>");


Next, the external menu array file.

Produced by Peter Belesis and

All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.
Created: June 10, 2002
Revised: June 10, 2002

URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column66/7.html