Hiermenus Go Forth, XVII - DHTML Lab | 9
Hiermenus Go Forth, XVII:
Version 4.0.10 - The Complete Script (Full-Window)
The external HM JavaScript file for DOM-enabled browsers like Internet Explorer 5.x and Gecko-powered browsers (ex. Netscape 6) (HM_ScriptDOM.js in the download.)
/*HM_ScriptDOM.js * by Peter Belesis. v4.0.10 010515 * Copyright (c) 2001 Peter Belesis. All Rights Reserved. * Originally published and documented at https://www.dhtmlab.com/ * Available solely from INT Media Group. Incorporated under exclusive license. * Contact [email protected] for more information. */ HM_IE5M = HM_IE && HM_Mac; HM_IE5W = HM_IE && !HM_Mac; HM_NS6 = (navigator.vendor == ("Netscape6") || navigator.product == ("Gecko")); HM_IEDTD = (HM_IE && document.doctype) ? document.doctype.name.indexOf(".dtd")!=-1 : false; HM_IEnoDTD = HM_IE && !HM_IEDTD; //4.0.10 HM_a_Parameters = [ ["MenuWidth", 150, "number"], ["FontFamily", "Arial,sans-serif"], ["FontSize", 10, "number"], ["FontBold", false, "boolean"], ["FontItalic", false, "boolean"], ["FontColor", "black"], ["FontColorOver", "white"], ["BGColor", "white"], ["BGColorOver", "black"], ["ItemPadding", 3, "number"] ["BorderWidth", 2, "number"] ["BorderColor", "red"], ["BorderStyle", "solid"], ["SeparatorSize", 1, "number"] ["SeparatorColor", "yellow"], ["ImageSrc", "tri.gif"], ["ImageSrcLeft", "triL.gif"], ["ImageSize", 5, "number"] ["ImageHorizSpace", 0, "number"] ["ImageVertSpace", 0, "number"] ["KeepHilite", false, "boolean"], ["ClickStart", false, "boolean"], ["ClickKill", true, "boolean"], ["ChildOverlap", 20, "number"] ["ChildOffset", 10, "number"] ["ChildPerCentOver", null, "number"], ["TopSecondsVisible", .5, "number"] ["StatusDisplayBuild", 1, "boolean"], ["StatusDisplayLink", 1, "boolean"], ["UponDisplay", null, "delayed"], ["UponHide", null, "delayed"], ["RightToLeft", false, "boolean"], ["CreateTopOnly", 0, "boolean"], ["ShowLinkCursor", false, "boolean"] ] HM_MenuIDPrefix = "HM_Menu"; HM_ItemIDPrefix = "HM_Item"; HM_ArrayIDPrefix = "HM_Array"; //4.0.10 /* function HM_f_StringTrim(){ var TestString = this; var SpaceChar = " "; while (TestString.charAt(0) == SpaceChar) {TestString = TestString.substr(1)}; while (TestString.charAt(TestString.length-1) == SpaceChar) {TestString = TestString.substr(0,TestString.length-1)}; return TestString.toString(); } HM_a_BadChars = [".","/"," ",",","-"]; function HM_f_StringStrip(){ var TestString = this; var BadChar; for(var i=0;i<HM_a_BadChars.length;i++) { BadChar = HM_a_BadChars[i]; BadCharIndex = TestString.lastIndexOf(BadChar); if(BadCharIndex!=-1) TestString = TestString.substr(BadCharIndex + 1); } return TestString.toString(); } String.prototype.trim = HM_f_StringTrim; String.prototype.strip = HM_f_StringStrip; */ //4.0.10 Function.prototype.isFunction = true; Function.prototype.isString = false; String.prototype.isFunction = false; String.prototype.isString = true; String.prototype.isBoolean = false; String.prototype.isNumber = false; Number.prototype.isString = false; Number.prototype.isFunction = false; Number.prototype.isBoolean = false; Number.prototype.isNumber = true; Boolean.prototype.isString = false; Boolean.prototype.isFunction = false; Boolean.prototype.isBoolean = true; Boolean.prototype.isNumber = false; function HM_f_AssignParameters(paramarray){ var ParamName = paramarray[0]; var DefaultValue = paramarray[1]; var FullParamName = "HM_" + ParamName; if (typeof eval("window.HM_PG_" + ParamName) == "undefined") { if (typeof eval("window.HM_GL_" + ParamName) == "undefined") { eval(FullParamName + "= DefaultValue"); } else { eval(FullParamName + "= HM_GL_" + ParamName); } } else { eval(FullParamName + "= HM_PG_" + ParamName); } paramarray[0] = FullParamName; paramarray[1] = eval(FullParamName); } function HM_f_EvalParameters(valuenew,valueold,valuetype){ var TestString, ParPosition; if(typeof valuenew == "undefined" || valuenew == null || (valuenew.isString && valuenew.length == 0)){ return valueold; } if(valuetype != "delayed"){ while(valuenew.isString) { ParPosition = valuenew.indexOf("("); if(ParPosition !=-1) { TestString = "window." + valuenew.substr(0,ParPosition); if (typeof eval(TestString) != "undefined" && eval(TestString).isFunction) { valuenew = eval(valuenew); } } else break } } while(valuenew.isFunction) {valuenew = valuenew()} switch(valuetype){ case "number": while (valuenew.isString) {valuenew = eval(valuenew)} break; case "boolean": while (!valuenew.isBoolean) { valuenew = (valuenew.isNumber) ? valuenew ? true : false : eval(valuenew); } break; } return valuenew; } for (i=0;i<HM_a_Parameters.length;i++) { HM_f_AssignParameters(HM_a_Parameters[i]); eval(HM_a_Parameters[i][0] + "= HM_f_EvalParameters("+ HM_a_Parameters[i][0] +",null,HM_a_Parameters[i][2])") } HM_ChildPerCentOver = (isNaN(parseFloat(HM_ChildPerCentOver))) ? null : parseFloat(HM_ChildPerCentOver)/100; function HM_f_ValidateArray(arrayname){ return ((typeof eval("window." + arrayname) == "object") && (eval(arrayname).length > 1)) } if(!window.HM_a_TreesToBuild) { HM_a_TreesToBuild = []; for(i=1; i<100; i++){ if(HM_f_ValidateArray(HM_ArrayIDPrefix + i)) HM_a_TreesToBuild[HM_a_TreesToBuild.length] = i; } } HM_CurrentArray = null; HM_CurrentTree = null; HM_CurrentMenu = null; HM_CurrentItem = null; HM_a_TopMenus = []; HM_AreLoaded = false; HM_AreCreated = false; HM_BeingCreated = false; HM_UserOverMenu = false; HM_HideAllTimer = null; HM_TotalTrees = 0; HM_ZIndex = 5000; function HM_f_StartIt() { if(HM_AreCreated) return; if((typeof(document.body) == "undefined") || (document.body == null)) return; HM_AreLoaded = true; if (HM_ClickKill) { HM_f_OtherMouseDown = (document.onmousedown) ? document.onmousedown : new Function; document.onmousedown = function(){HM_f_PageClick();HM_f_OtherMouseDown()} } else { HM_TopMilliSecondsVisible = HM_TopSecondsVisible * 1000; } HM_f_MakeTrees(); HM_f_OtherOnLoad(); } //4.0.10 /* function HM_f_AssignTreeParameters(arrayvalue,defaultvalue){ var ValueIsString = (typeof arrayvalue == "string"); if (ValueIsString) arrayvalue = arrayvalue.trim(); var ValueIsNull = ((arrayvalue == null) || (typeof arrayvalue == "undefined") || (ValueIsString && arrayvalue.length == 0)); if(ValueIsNull) return defaultvalue; var TestString = arrayvalue; if(eval("typeof(TestString)") == "string") { if(TestString.charAt(0)=="#")return arrayvalue; TestString = TestString.strip() } if (eval("typeof("+ TestString+" )") != 'undefined') { eval("arrayvalue = eval(arrayvalue)"); } return arrayvalue; } function HM_f_AssignTreeParametersInteger(arrayvalue,defaultvalue){ var ValueIsString = (typeof arrayvalue == "string"); if (ValueIsString) arrayvalue = arrayvalue.trim(); var ValueIsNull = ((arrayvalue == null) || (typeof arrayvalue == "undefined") || (ValueIsString && arrayvalue.length == 0)); return (ValueIsNull) ? defaultvalue : arrayvalue; } */ function HM_f_MakeTrees(){ HM_BeingCreated = true; var TreeParams = null; var TreeHasChildren = false; var ItemArray = null; for(var t=0; t<HM_a_TreesToBuild.length; t++) { if(!HM_f_ValidateArray(HM_ArrayIDPrefix + HM_a_TreesToBuild[t])) continue; HM_CurrentArray = eval(HM_ArrayIDPrefix + HM_a_TreesToBuild[t]); TreeParams = HM_CurrentArray[0]; TreeHasChildren = false; for(var i=1; i<HM_CurrentArray.length; i++) { ItemArray = HM_CurrentArray[i]; if(ItemArray[ItemArray.length-1]) {TreeHasChildren = true; break} } HM_CurrentTree = { //4.0.10 MenuWidth : MenuWidth = HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[0],HM_MenuWidth,"number"), MenuLeft : MenuLeft = HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[1],null,"delayed"), MenuTop : MenuTop = HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[2],null,"delayed"), ItemWidth : ItemWidth = MenuWidth - (HM_BorderWidth*2), ItemTextWidth : TreeHasChildren ? (ItemWidth - (HM_ImageSize + HM_ImageHorizSpace + HM_ItemPadding)) : ItemWidth, HorizOffsetRight : HorizOffsetRight = (parseInt((HM_ChildPerCentOver != null) ? (HM_ChildPerCentOver * ItemWidth) : HM_ChildOverlap)), HorizOffsetLeft : (MenuWidth - HorizOffsetRight), //4.0.10 FontColor : HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[3],HM_FontColor), FontColorOver : HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[4],HM_FontColorOver), BGColor : HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[5],HM_BGColor), BGColorOver : HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[6],HM_BGColorOver), BorderColor : HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[7],HM_BorderColor), SeparatorColor : HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[8],HM_SeparatorColor), TopIsPermanent : ((MenuLeft == null) || (MenuTop == null)) ? false : HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[9],false,"boolean"), TopIsHorizontal : TopIsHorizontal = HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[10],false,"boolean"), TreeIsHorizontal : TreeHasChildren ? HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[11],false,"boolean") : false, PositionUnder : (!TopIsHorizontal || !TreeHasChildren) ? false : HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[12],false,"boolean"), TopImageShow : TreeHasChildren ? HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[13],true,"boolean") : false, TreeImageShow : TreeHasChildren ? HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[14],true,"boolean") : false, UponDisplay : HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[15],HM_UponDisplay,"delayed"), UponHide : HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[16],HM_UponHide,"delayed"), RightToLeft : HM_f_EvalParameters(TreeParams[17],HM_RightToLeft,"boolean") } HM_CurrentMenu = null; HM_f_MakeMenu(HM_a_TreesToBuild[t]); HM_a_TopMenus[HM_TotalTrees] = HM_CurrentTree.treeParent; HM_TotalTrees++; if(HM_CurrentTree.TopIsPermanent){ with(HM_CurrentTree.treeParent) { HM_CurrentTree.treeParent.xPos = eval(HM_CurrentTree.MenuLeft); HM_CurrentTree.treeParent.yPos = eval(HM_CurrentTree.MenuTop); moveTo(HM_CurrentTree.treeParent.xPos,HM_CurrentTree.treeParent.yPos); style.zIndex = 5000; } if(HM_IE5M) setTimeout(HM_CurrentTree.treeParent.id + ".fixSize(true)",10); else HM_CurrentTree.treeParent.style.visibility = "visible"; } } if(HM_StatusDisplayBuild) status = HM_TotalTrees + " Hierarchical Menu Trees Created"; HM_AreCreated = true; HM_BeingCreated = false; } function HM_f_SetItemProperties(itemidsuffix) { this.tree = HM_CurrentTree; this.index = HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount - 1; this.tree = HM_CurrentTree; this.isLastItem = (HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount == HM_CurrentMenu.maxItems); this.array = HM_CurrentMenu.array[HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount]; this.dispText = this.array[0]; this.linkText = this.array[1]; this.permHilite = eval(this.array[3]); this.hasRollover = (!this.permHilite && eval(this.array[2])); this.hasMore = eval(this.array[4]) && HM_f_ValidateArray(HM_ArrayIDPrefix + itemidsuffix); this.childID = this.hasMore ? (HM_MenuIDPrefix + itemidsuffix) : null; this.child = null; this.onmouseover = HM_f_ItemOver; this.onmouseout = HM_f_ItemOut; this.setItemStyle = HM_f_SetItemStyle; } function HM_f_MakeElement(menuid) { var MenuObject; MenuObject = document.createElement("DIV"); with(MenuObject){ id = menuid; with(style) { position = "absolute"; visibility = "hidden"; left = "-500px"; top = "0px"; width = (HM_IEnoDTD ? HM_CurrentTree.MenuWidth : HM_CurrentTree.ItemWidth) + "px"; } } document.body.appendChild(MenuObject); return MenuObject; } function HM_f_MakeMenu(menucount) { if(!HM_f_ValidateArray(HM_ArrayIDPrefix + menucount)) return false; HM_CurrentArray = eval(HM_ArrayIDPrefix + menucount); NewMenu = document.getElementById(HM_MenuIDPrefix + menucount); if(!NewMenu){ NewMenu = HM_f_MakeElement(HM_MenuIDPrefix + menucount); if(HM_CurrentMenu) { NewMenu.parentMenu = HM_CurrentMenu; NewMenu.parentItem = HM_CurrentMenu.itemElement; NewMenu.parentItem.child = NewMenu; NewMenu.hasParent = true; NewMenu.isHorizontal = HM_CurrentTree.TreeIsHorizontal; NewMenu.showImage = HM_CurrentTree.TreeImageShow; } else { NewMenu.isHorizontal = HM_CurrentTree.TopIsHorizontal; NewMenu.showImage = HM_CurrentTree.TopImageShow; } HM_CurrentMenu = NewMenu; HM_CurrentMenu.array = HM_CurrentArray; HM_CurrentMenu.tree = HM_CurrentTree; HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount = 0; HM_CurrentMenu.maxItems = HM_CurrentMenu.array.length - 1; HM_CurrentMenu.zIndex = ++HM_ZIndex; HM_CurrentMenu.showIt = HM_f_ShowIt; HM_CurrentMenu.count = menucount; HM_CurrentMenu.keepInWindow = HM_f_KeepInWindow; HM_CurrentMenu.onmouseover = HM_f_MenuOver; HM_CurrentMenu.onmouseout = HM_f_MenuOut; HM_CurrentMenu.hideTree = HM_f_HideTree HM_CurrentMenu.hideParents = HM_f_HideParents; HM_CurrentMenu.hideChildren = HM_f_HideChildren; HM_CurrentMenu.hideTop = HM_f_HideTop; HM_CurrentMenu.hideSelf = HM_f_HideSelf; HM_CurrentMenu.hasChildVisible = false; HM_CurrentMenu.isOn = false; HM_CurrentMenu.hideTimer = null; HM_CurrentMenu.currentItem = null; HM_CurrentMenu.setMenuStyle = HM_f_SetMenuStyle; HM_CurrentMenu.sizeFixed = false; HM_CurrentMenu.fixSize = HM_f_FixSize; if(HM_IE) HM_CurrentMenu.onselectstart = HM_f_CancelSelect; HM_CurrentMenu.moveTo = HM_f_MoveTo; HM_CurrentMenu.setMenuStyle(); } while (HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount < HM_CurrentMenu.maxItems) { HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount++; HM_CurrentMenu.itemElement = document.getElementById(HM_ItemIDPrefix + menucount + "_" + HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount); if(!HM_CurrentMenu.itemElement){ if(HM_StatusDisplayBuild) status = "Creating Hierarchical Menus: " + menucount + " / " + HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount; HM_CurrentMenu.itemElement = HM_f_MakeItemElement(menucount); } if(HM_CurrentMenu.itemElement.hasMore && (!HM_CreateTopOnly || HM_AreCreated && HM_CreateTopOnly)) { MenuCreated = HM_f_MakeMenu(menucount + "_" + HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount); if(MenuCreated) { HM_CurrentMenu = HM_CurrentMenu.parentMenu; } } } if(!HM_IE5M)HM_CurrentMenu.fixSize(); HM_CurrentTree.treeParent = HM_CurrentTree.startChild = HM_CurrentMenu; return HM_CurrentMenu; } function HM_f_SetMenuStyle(){ with(this.style) { borderWidth = HM_BorderWidth + "px"; borderColor = HM_CurrentTree.BorderColor; borderStyle = HM_BorderStyle; zIndex = --HM_ZIndex; overflow = "hidden"; cursor = "default"; } } function HM_f_MakeItemElement(menucount) { var ItemElement = document.createElement("DIV"); ItemElement.id = HM_ItemIDPrefix + menucount + "_" + HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount; ItemElement.style.position = "absolute"; ItemElement.style.visibility = "inherit"; HM_CurrentMenu.appendChild(ItemElement); ItemElement.setItemProperties = HM_f_SetItemProperties; ItemElement.setItemProperties(menucount + "_" + HM_CurrentMenu.itemCount); ItemElement.siblingBelow = ItemElement.previousSibling; if(ItemElement.linkText) { ItemElement.onclick = HM_f_LinkIt; if(HM_ShowLinkCursor)ItemElement.style.cursor = HM_NS6 ? "pointer" : "hand"; } ItemElement.menu = HM_CurrentMenu; var FullPadding = (HM_ItemPadding*2) + HM_ImageSize + HM_ImageHorizSpace; if(ItemElement.hasMore && HM_CurrentMenu.showImage) { var ImageElement = document.createElement("IMG"); with(ImageElement){ src = HM_CurrentTree.RightToLeft ? HM_ImageSrcLeft : HM_ImageSrc; removeAttribute("height"); hspace = (!HM_CurrentTree.RightToLeft && HM_IE5W) ? HM_ItemPadding : 0; vspace = 0; width = HM_ImageSize; with(style) { if(HM_CurrentTree.RightToLeft) { position = "absolute"; top = (HM_ItemPadding + HM_ImageVertSpace) + "px"; left = (HM_ItemPadding + HM_ImageHorizSpace) + "px"; } else { position = "relative"; marginTop = HM_ImageVertSpace + "px"; if(HM_IE5W) { marginRight = -FullPadding + "px"; } else marginRight = -(HM_ImageSize + HM_ItemPadding) +"px"; if(HM_NS6) cssFloat = "right"; else styleFloat = "right"; } } } ItemElement.imgLyr = ImageElement; } ItemElement.innerHTML = ItemElement.dispText; if(ImageElement) ItemElement.insertBefore(ImageElement,ItemElement.firstChild); ItemElement.setItemStyle(); return ItemElement; } function HM_f_SetItemStyle() { with(this.style){ backgroundColor = (this.permHilite) ? HM_CurrentTree.BGColorOver : HM_CurrentTree.BGColor; color = (this.permHilite) ? HM_CurrentTree.FontColorOver : HM_CurrentTree.FontColor; padding = HM_ItemPadding +"px"; font = ((HM_FontBold) ? "bold " : "normal ") + HM_FontSize + "pt " + HM_FontFamily; fontStyle = (HM_FontItalic) ? "italic" : "normal"; if(HM_IE) overflow = "hidden"; if(HM_CurrentMenu.showImage) { var FullPadding = (HM_ItemPadding*2) + HM_ImageSize + HM_ImageHorizSpace; if (HM_CurrentTree.RightToLeft) paddingLeft = FullPadding + "px"; else paddingRight = FullPadding + "px"; } if(!this.isLastItem) { var SeparatorString = HM_SeparatorSize + "px solid " + this.tree.SeparatorColor; if (this.menu.isHorizontal) borderRight = SeparatorString; else borderBottom = SeparatorString; } if(HM_IEnoDTD) width = HM_CurrentTree.ItemWidth + "px"; else width = (HM_CurrentTree.ItemWidth - (parseInt(paddingLeft) + parseInt(paddingRight))) + "px"; if(this.menu.isHorizontal){ if(HM_IEnoDTD){ if(this.isLastItem) width = (HM_CurrentTree.MenuWidth - HM_BorderWidth - HM_SeparatorSize) + "px" else width = (HM_CurrentTree.MenuWidth - HM_BorderWidth) + "px" } else { width = (HM_CurrentTree.MenuWidth - HM_BorderWidth - parseInt(paddingLeft) - parseInt(paddingRight) - HM_SeparatorSize) + "px"; } top = "0px"; if(HM_IEnoDTD){ left = (this.index * (HM_CurrentTree.MenuWidth - HM_BorderWidth)) + "px"; } else { left = ((this.index * parseInt(width)) + ((HM_SeparatorSize * this.index))) + ((parseInt(paddingLeft) + parseInt(paddingRight)) * this.index) + "px"; } var LeftAndWidth = parseInt(left) + parseInt(width); this.menu.style.width = LeftAndWidth + (HM_IEnoDTD ? (HM_BorderWidth * 2) : (parseInt(paddingLeft) + parseInt(paddingRight))) + "px" } else { left = "0px"; } } } function HM_f_FixSize(makevis){ if(this.isHorizontal) { var MaxItemHeight = 0; for(i=0; i<this.childNodes.length; i++) { var TempItem = this.childNodes[i]; if (TempItem.index) { var SiblingHeight = TempItem.siblingBelow.offsetHeight - (HM_IEnoDTD ? 0 : HM_ItemPadding * 2); MaxItemHeight = Math.max(MaxItemHeight,SiblingHeight); } else{ MaxItemHeight = TempItem.offsetHeight; } } for(i=0; i<this.childNodes.length; i++) { this.childNodes[i].style.height = MaxItemHeight +"px"; } this.style.height = MaxItemHeight + (HM_IEnoDTD ? HM_BorderWidth * 2 : 0) + "px"; } else { for(i=0; i<this.childNodes.length; i++) { var TempItem = this.childNodes[i]; if (TempItem.index) { var SiblingHeight =(TempItem.siblingBelow.offsetHeight); TempItem.style.top = parseInt(TempItem.siblingBelow.style.top) + SiblingHeight + "px"; } else TempItem.style.top = "0px"; } this.style.height = parseInt(TempItem.style.top) + (HM_IE5W ? TempItem.scrollHeight : TempItem.offsetHeight) + (HM_IEnoDTD ? (HM_BorderWidth * 2) : 0) + "px"; } this.sizeFixed = true; if(makevis)this.style.visibility = "visible"; } function HM_f_PopUp(menuname,e){ if(HM_IE) e = event; if (!HM_AreLoaded) return; menuname = menuname.replace("elMenu",HM_MenuIDPrefix); var TempMenu = document.getElementById(menuname); if(!TempMenu)return; HM_CurrentMenu = TempMenu; if (HM_ClickStart) { var ClickElement = (HM_IE) ? e.srcElement : e.target; if(HM_NS6) { while(ClickElement.tagName==null){ ClickElement = ClickElement.parentNode; } } ClickElement.onclick = HM_f_PopMenu; } else HM_f_PopMenu(e); } function HM_f_PopMenu(e){ if(HM_IE) e = event; if (!HM_AreLoaded || !HM_AreCreated) return true; if (HM_ClickStart && e.type != "click") return true; //4.0.10 var mouse_x_position, mouse_y_position; HM_f_HideAll(); HM_CurrentMenu.hasParent = false; HM_CurrentMenu.tree.startChild = HM_CurrentMenu; //4.0.10 HM_CurrentMenu.mouseX = mouse_x_position = (HM_IE) ? (e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft) : e.pageX; HM_CurrentMenu.mouseY = mouse_y_position = (HM_IE) ? (e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop) : e.pageY; HM_CurrentMenu.xIntended = HM_CurrentMenu.xPos = (HM_CurrentMenu.tree.MenuLeft!=null) ? eval(HM_CurrentMenu.tree.MenuLeft) : mouse_x_position; HM_CurrentMenu.yIntended = HM_CurrentMenu.yPos = (HM_CurrentMenu.tree.MenuTop!=null) ? eval(HM_CurrentMenu.tree.MenuTop) : mouse_y_position; if(HM_IE5M && !HM_CurrentMenu.sizeFixed) HM_CurrentMenu.fixSize(false); HM_CurrentMenu.keepInWindow(); HM_CurrentMenu.moveTo(HM_CurrentMenu.xPos,HM_CurrentMenu.yPos); HM_CurrentMenu.isOn = true; HM_CurrentMenu.showIt(true); return false; } function HM_f_MenuOver() { if(!this.tree.startChild){this.tree.startChild = this} if(this.tree.startChild == this) HM_f_HideAll(this) this.isOn = true; HM_UserOverMenu = true; HM_CurrentMenu = this; if (this.hideTimer) clearTimeout(this.hideTimer); } function HM_f_MenuOut() { if(HM_IE && event.srcElement.contains(event.toElement)) return; this.isOn = false; HM_UserOverMenu = false; if(HM_StatusDisplayLink) status = ""; if(!HM_ClickKill) HM_HideAllTimer = setTimeout("HM_CurrentMenu.hideTree()",10); } function HM_f_ItemOver(){ if (HM_KeepHilite) { if (this.menu.currentItem && this.menu.currentItem != this && this.menu.currentItem.hasRollover) { with(this.menu.currentItem.style){ backgroundColor = this.tree.BGColor; color = this.tree.FontColor } } } if(HM_IE && event.srcElement.id == "HM_ImMore") return; if(this.hasRollover) { this.style.backgroundColor = this.tree.BGColorOver; this.style.color = this.tree.FontColorOver; } if(HM_StatusDisplayLink) status = this.linkText; this.menu.currentItem = this; if (this.menu.hasChildVisible) { if(this.menu.visibleChild == this.child && this.menu.visibleChild.hasChildVisible) this.menu.visibleChild.hideChildren(this); else this.menu.hideChildren(this); } if (this.hasMore) { if(!this.child) { HM_CurrentTree = this.tree; HM_CurrentMenu = this.menu; HM_CurrentItem = this; HM_CurrentMenu.itemElement = this; this.child = HM_f_MakeMenu(this.menu.count + "_"+(this.index+1)); this.tree.treeParent = this.menu; this.tree.startChild = this.menu; } if (this.tree.PositionUnder && (this.menu == this.tree.treeParent)) { this.child.xPos = parseInt(this.menu.style.left) + parseInt(this.style.left); this.child.yPos = parseInt(this.menu.style.top) + this.menu.offsetHeight - (HM_BorderWidth); } else { if(HM_IE5M) { this.oL = parseInt(this.menu.style.left) - HM_ItemPadding; this.oL += this.offsetLeft; this.oT = parseInt(this.menu.style.top) - HM_ItemPadding; this.oT += this.offsetTop; } else { this.oL = (HM_IE) ? parseInt(this.menu.style.left) : -HM_BorderWidth; this.oL += this.offsetLeft; this.oT = (HM_IE) ? parseInt(this.menu.style.top) : -HM_BorderWidth; this.oT += this.offsetTop; } if(this.tree.RightToLeft) { this.child.xPos = this.oL + (this.tree.HorizOffsetRight - this.child.offsetWidth); } else { this.child.xPos = this.oL + this.tree.HorizOffsetLeft; } this.child.yPos = this.oT + HM_ChildOffset + HM_BorderWidth; } this.child.xDiff = this.child.xPos - parseInt(this.menu.style.left); this.child.yDiff = this.child.yPos - parseInt(this.menu.style.top); if(HM_IE5M && !this.child.sizeFixed) this.child.fixSize(false); if(!this.tree.PositionUnder || this.menu!=this.tree.treeParent) this.child.keepInWindow(); this.child.moveTo(this.child.xPos,this.child.yPos); this.menu.hasChildVisible = true; this.menu.visibleChild = this.child; this.child.showIt(true); } } function HM_f_ItemOut() { if (HM_IE && (event.srcElement.contains(event.toElement) || (event.fromElement.tagName=="IMG" && event.toElement.contains(event.fromElement)))) return; if ( (!HM_KeepHilite || ((this.tree.TopIsPermanent && (this.tree.treeParent==this)) && !this.menu.hasChildVisible)) && this.hasRollover) { with(this.style) { backgroundColor = this.tree.BGColor; color = this.tree.FontColor } } } function HM_f_MoveTo(xPos,yPos) { this.style.left = xPos + "px"; this.style.top = yPos + "px"; } function HM_f_ShowIt(on) { if (!(this.tree.TopIsPermanent && (this.tree.treeParent==this))) { if(!this.hasParent || (this.hasParent && this.tree.TopIsPermanent)) { var IsVisible = (this.style.visibility == "visible"); if ((on && !IsVisible) || (!on && IsVisible)) eval(on ? this.tree.UponDisplay : this.tree.UponHide) } this.style.visibility = (on) ? "visible" : "hidden"; } if (HM_KeepHilite && this.currentItem && this.currentItem.hasRollover) { with(this.currentItem.style){ backgroundColor = this.tree.BGColor; color = this.tree.FontColor; } } this.currentItem = null; } function HM_f_KeepInWindow() { var ExtraSpace = 10; var WindowLeftEdge = (HM_IE) ? document.body.scrollLeft : window.pageXOffset; var WindowTopEdge = (HM_IE) ? document.body.scrollTop : window.pageYOffset; var WindowWidth = (HM_IE) ? document.body.clientWidth : window.innerWidth; var WindowHeight = (HM_IE) ? document.body.clientHeight : window.innerHeight; var WindowRightEdge = (WindowLeftEdge + WindowWidth) - ExtraSpace; var WindowBottomEdge = (WindowTopEdge + WindowHeight) - ExtraSpace; var MenuLeftEdge = this.xPos; var MenuRightEdge = MenuLeftEdge + this.offsetWidth; var MenuBottomEdge = this.yPos + this.offsetHeight; if (this.hasParent) { var ParentLeftEdge = parseInt(this.parentMenu.style.left); } if (MenuRightEdge > WindowRightEdge) { if (this.hasParent) { this.xPos = ParentLeftEdge + this.tree.HorizOffsetRight - this.offsetWidth; } else { dif = MenuRightEdge - WindowRightEdge; this.xPos -= dif; } } if (MenuBottomEdge > WindowBottomEdge) { dif = MenuBottomEdge - WindowBottomEdge; this.yPos -= dif; } if (MenuLeftEdge < WindowLeftEdge) { if (this.hasParent) { this.xPos = ParentLeftEdge + this.tree.HorizOffsetLeft; } else {this.xPos = 5} } } function HM_f_LinkIt() { HM_f_HideAll(); if (this.linkText.indexOf("javascript:")!=-1) eval(this.linkText) else location.href = this.linkText; } function HM_f_PopDown(menuname){ if (!HM_AreLoaded || !HM_AreCreated) return; menuname = menuname.replace("elMenu",HM_MenuIDPrefix); var MenuToHide = document.getElementById(menuname); if(!MenuToHide)return; MenuToHide.isOn = false; if (!HM_ClickKill) MenuToHide.hideTop(); } function HM_f_HideAll(callingmenu) { for(var i=0; i<HM_TotalTrees; i++) { var TopMenu = HM_a_TopMenus[i].tree.startChild; if(TopMenu == callingmenu)continue TopMenu.isOn = false; if (TopMenu.hasChildVisible) TopMenu.hideChildren(); TopMenu.showIt(false); } } function HM_f_HideTree() { HM_HideAllTimer = null; if (HM_UserOverMenu) return; if (this.hasChildVisible) this.hideChildren(); this.hideParents(); } function HM_f_HideTop() { TopMenuToHide = this; (HM_ClickKill) ? TopMenuToHide.hideSelf() : (this.hideTimer = setTimeout("TopMenuToHide.hideSelf()",HM_TopMilliSecondsVisible)); } function HM_f_HideSelf() { this.hideTimer = null; if (!this.isOn && !HM_UserOverMenu) this.showIt(false); } function HM_f_HideParents() { var TempMenu = this; while(TempMenu.hasParent) { TempMenu.showIt(false); TempMenu.parentMenu.isOn = false; TempMenu = TempMenu.parentMenu; } TempMenu.hideTop(); } function HM_f_HideChildren(callingitem) { var TempMenu = this.visibleChild; while(TempMenu.hasChildVisible) { TempMenu.visibleChild.showIt(false); TempMenu.hasChildVisible = false; TempMenu = TempMenu.visibleChild; } if (!this.isOn || !callingitem.hasMore || this.visibleChild != this.child) { this.visibleChild.showIt(false); this.hasChildVisible = false; } } function HM_f_CancelSelect(){return false} function HM_f_PageClick() { if (!HM_UserOverMenu && HM_CurrentMenu!=null && !HM_CurrentMenu.isOn) HM_f_HideAll(); } popUp = HM_f_PopUp; popDown = HM_f_PopDown; function HM_f_ResizeHandler(){ //4.0.10 var mouse_x_position, mouse_y_position; for(var i=0; i<HM_TotalTrees; i++) { var TopMenu = HM_a_TopMenus[i].tree.startChild; if(TopMenu.style.visibility == "visible") { TopMenu.oldLeft = TopMenu.xPos; TopMenu.oldTop = TopMenu.yPos; //4.0.10 mouse_x_position = TopMenu.mouseX; mouse_y_position = TopMenu.mouseY; TopMenu.xPos = eval(TopMenu.tree.MenuLeft); TopMenu.yPos = eval(TopMenu.tree.MenuTop); if(TopMenu.xPos == null) TopMenu.xPos = TopMenu.xIntended; if(TopMenu.yPos == null) TopMenu.yPos = TopMenu.yIntended; if(!TopMenu.tree.TopIsPermanent) TopMenu.keepInWindow(); TopMenu.moveTo(TopMenu.xPos,TopMenu.yPos); var TempMenu = TopMenu; while(TempMenu.hasChildVisible) { TempParent = TempMenu; TempMenu = TempMenu.visibleChild; TempMenu.xPos = TempParent.xPos + TempMenu.xDiff; TempMenu.yPos = TempParent.yPos + TempMenu.yDiff; if(!TopMenu.tree.TopIsPermanent) TempMenu.keepInWindow(); TempMenu.moveTo(TempMenu.xPos,TempMenu.yPos); } } } HM_f_OtherResize(); } HM_f_OtherResize = (window.onresize) ? window.onresize : new Function; window.onresize = HM_f_ResizeHandler; HM_f_OtherOnLoad = (window.onload) ? window.onload : new Function; window.onload = function(){setTimeout("HM_f_StartIt()",10)}; //end
Produced by Peter Belesis and
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.Created: May 15, 2001
Revised: May 15, 2001
URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column53/9.html