Hiermenus Go Forth, VI - DHTML Lab | WebReference

Hiermenus Go Forth, VI - DHTML Lab


Hiermenus Go Forth*, VI:
Version 4 - The Page-Specific Parameters

This column is the sixth in a multi-column discussion of a new version of the hierarchical menu script.
Until our discussion is complete, the current version of the script will still be the latest maintenance release of Version 3: 3.10.3.
Read this column, and future columns, to learn how we built the menu script.
Use the most recent version of the script, always available in HierMenus Central.

In this column we continue our discussion of Version 4 with a concluding look at the new Page-Specific Parameters.

We began the discussion in Column 39, by introducing the Page-Specific Parameters and outlining the use of the first ten. In our previous column, we looked at nine more. Now, we'll wrap up the parameter discussion, with the final eleven:

HM_PG_MenuWidth = 150;
HM_PG_FontFamily = "Arial,sans-serif";
HM_PG_FontSize = 10;
HM_PG_FontBold = false;
HM_PG_FontItalic = false;
HM_PG_FontColor = "blue";
HM_PG_FontColorOver = "white";
HM_PG_BGColor = "#DDDDDD";
HM_PG_BGColorOver = "#FFCCCC";
HM_PG_ItemPadding = 3;
Discussed in Column 40
HM_PG_BorderWidth = 2;
HM_PG_BorderColor = "black";
HM_PG_BorderStyle = "solid";
HM_PG_SeparatorSize = 2;
HM_PG_SeparatorColor = "black";
HM_PG_ImageSrc = "https://.../tri.gif";
HM_PG_ImageSize = 10;
HM_PG_ImageHorizSpace = 0;
HM_PG_ImageVertSpace = 3;
Discussed in Column 41
HM_PG_KeepHilite = true; 
HM_PG_ClickStart = 1;
HM_PG_ClickKill = true;
HM_PG_ChildOverlap = 20;
HM_PG_ChildOffset = 10;
HM_PG_ChildPerCentOver = null;
HM_PG_TopSecondsVisible = .5;
HM_PG_StatusDisplayBuild =0;
HM_PG_StatusDisplayLink = 1;
HM_PG_UponDisplay = null;
HM_PG_UponHide = null;
Discussed in this column (final parameter column)

First, HM_PG_KeepHilite.

*with apologies to Blackadder

Produced by Peter Belesis and

All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.
Created: Dec 12, 2000
Revised: Dec 12, 2000

URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column42/