Hiermenus Go Forth, VI - DHTML Lab
Hiermenus Go Forth*, VI:
Version 4 - The Page-Specific Parameters
| IMPORTANT NOTE: This column is the sixth in a multi-column discussion of a new version of the hierarchical menu script. Until our discussion is complete, the current version of the script will still be the latest maintenance release of Version 3: 3.10.3. Read this column, and future columns, to learn how we built the menu script. Use the most recent version of the script, always available in HierMenus Central. |
In this column we continue our discussion of Version 4 with a concluding look at the new Page-Specific Parameters.
We began the discussion in Column 39, by introducing the Page-Specific Parameters and outlining the use of the first ten. In our previous column, we looked at nine more. Now, we'll wrap up the parameter discussion, with the final eleven:
HM_PG_MenuWidth = 150; HM_PG_FontFamily = "Arial,sans-serif"; HM_PG_FontSize = 10; HM_PG_FontBold = false; HM_PG_FontItalic = false; HM_PG_FontColor = "blue"; HM_PG_FontColorOver = "white"; HM_PG_BGColor = "#DDDDDD"; HM_PG_BGColorOver = "#FFCCCC"; HM_PG_ItemPadding = 3; |
Discussed in Column 40 |
HM_PG_BorderWidth = 2; HM_PG_BorderColor = "black"; HM_PG_BorderStyle = "solid"; HM_PG_SeparatorSize = 2; HM_PG_SeparatorColor = "black"; HM_PG_ImageSrc = "https://.../tri.gif"; HM_PG_ImageSize = 10; HM_PG_ImageHorizSpace = 0; HM_PG_ImageVertSpace = 3; |
Discussed in Column 41 |
HM_PG_KeepHilite = true; HM_PG_ClickStart = 1; HM_PG_ClickKill = true; HM_PG_ChildOverlap = 20; HM_PG_ChildOffset = 10; HM_PG_ChildPerCentOver = null; HM_PG_TopSecondsVisible = .5; HM_PG_StatusDisplayBuild =0; HM_PG_StatusDisplayLink = 1; HM_PG_UponDisplay = null; HM_PG_UponHide = null; |
Discussed in this column (final parameter column) |
First, HM_PG_KeepHilite.
*with apologies to Blackadder
Produced by Peter Belesis and
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.Created: Dec 12, 2000
Revised: Dec 12, 2000
URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column42/