Introduction to IE Data Binding - DHTML Lab | 4 | WebReference

Introduction to IE Data Binding - DHTML Lab | 4


Introduction to IE Data Binding

Using Data Binding

Since the introduction of Internet Explorer 4.0, an under-used feature of the browser has been available to DHTML authors. It is not generally used on the Web because of cross-platform/cross-browser/backward compatibility issues. However, it is perfect for intranets where we have a controlled environment (everyone uses IE, for example).

In this column we will be looking at that feature, called Data Binding, which among other things, can help to reduce the number of pages that authors will need to write.


  • Data Binding may NOT be installed on some IE clients. If the user customized their IE installation, they may have chosen to omit Data Binding, which is offered as an option in the "custom" installation. This, however, is rare.

  • Data Binding is considered to be an Active-X control, albeit a transparent one. If, however, the user has disabled the use of Active-X (with a high security setting, for example) Data Binding may not work.


  • Familiarity with IE and DHTML.

  • A minimal understanding of 'generic' RecordSets (though we do explain the methods used).

  • Knowledge of JavaScript mouse events. These are originally discussed in JavaScript Event Handlers

Let's start by answering the question, "What is Data Binding"?

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Created: Oct 17, 2000
Revised: Oct 17, 2000