Event Properties Table
Netscape Navigator 4 Event object properties
Property | Type | Description |
.type | String | The type of event. |
.target | String | The object that event refers to. |
.layerX | Integer | The width of the object when the resize event was passed to it or the horizontal position of the cursor relative to the layer in which event occured. Same as x. |
.layerY | Integer | The height of the object when the resize event was passed to it or the vertical position of the cursor relative to the layer in which event occured. Same as y. |
.pageX | Integer | The horizontal position of the cursor relative to the page. |
.pageY | Integer | The vertical position of the cursor relative to the page. |
.screenX | Integer | The horizontal position of the cursor relative to the screen. |
.screenY | Integer | The vertical position of the cursor relative to the screen. |
.which | Integer | The mouse button the user pressed or the ASCII value of the key pressed. |
.modifiers | String | The keys that were being held down during the mouse or key press. Possible values are ALT_MASK, CONTROL_MASK, SHIFT_MASK and META_MASK. |
.data | Array of Strings | The URLs of objects dropped using the dragdrop event. |
Internet Explorer 4 event object properties
Property | Type | Description |
keyCode | Integer | The ASCII value of the key pressed. |
fromElement | String | The focused element before an onmouseover or onmouseout event. |
toElement | String | The focused element after an onmouseover or onmouseout event. |
button | Integer | The mouse button pressed that caused event. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | If true, stops event from bubbling up the document hierarchy. |
srcElement | String | The deepest element that event occured on. |
x | Integer | The horizontal co-ordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the window. Returns false (-1) if the pointer is outside the window. |
y | Integer | The vertical co-ordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the window. Returns false (-1) if the pointer is outside the window. |
shiftKey | Boolean | Returns true if the Shift key was pressed during event. |
ctrlKey | Boolean | Returns true if the Control key was pressed during event. |
altKey | Boolean | Returns true if the Alt key was pressed during event. |
returnValue | Boolean | Used to specify a return value for event. |
Produced by Peter Belesis and
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.Created: 08/27/97
Revised: 09/28/97
URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column3/evTable.html