DHTML Lab: JavaScript Enhancement with VBScript; The Complete Code
JavaScript Enhancement with VBScript
SPECIAL EDITION; the director's cut
Include the following scripts in the HEAD of your document (JS script must come first to set page script language default):
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript"> <!-- IE4 = document.all; function newAlert(title,mess,icon,mods) { (IE4) ? makeMsgBox(title,mess,icon,0,0,mods) : alert(mess); } function newConfirm(title,mess,icon,defbut,mods) { if (IE4) { icon = (icon==0) ? 0 : 2; defbut = (defbut==0) ? 0 : 1; retVal = makeMsgBox(title,mess,icon,4,defbut,mods); retVal = (retVal==6); } else { retVal = confirm(mess); } return retVal; } function newPrompt(title,mess,def) { retVal = (IE4) ? makeInputBox(title,mess,def) : prompt(mess,def); return retVal; } function IEBox(title,mess,icon,buts,defbut,mods) { retVal = (IE4) ? makeMsgBox(title,mess,icon,buts,defbut,mods) : null; return retVal; } //--> </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript TYPE="text/vbscript"> <!-- Function makeMsgBox(title,mess,icon,buts,defbut,mods) butVal = buts + (icon*16) + (defbut*256) + (mods*4096) makeMsgBox = MsgBox(mess,butVal,title) End Function Function makeInputBox(title,pr,def) makeInputBox = InputBox(pr,title,def) End Function --> </SCRIPT>
Now, you can call the four JavaScript functions from anywhere in your page. Take care to pass the correct number of arguments:
newAlert(title,message,icon,modality) string, string, 0-4, 0/1
example: newAlert("DHTML Lab","No confusing captions",4,0)
newConfirm(title,message,icon,default button,modality) string, string, 0/1, 0/1, 0/1
example: newConfirm("DHTML Lab Confirmation Request","Are you confused yet?",1,1,0)
newPrompt(title,message,default response) string, string, string
example: newPrompt("DHTML Lab User Input Request","Enter your name, please:","Ishmael")
IEBox(title,message,icon,button group,default button,modality) string, string, 0-4, 0-5, 0-2, 0/1
example: IEBox("DHTML Lab Explorer Dialog","All options enabled",1,2,2,1)
Produced by Peter Belesis and
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.Created: Nov. 18, 1998
Revised: Nov. 18, 1998
URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column22/allCode.html