DHTML Lab: Dynamic Page Segments; Parameter Variables | WebReference

DHTML Lab: Dynamic Page Segments; Parameter Variables


Dynamic Page Segments
defining the parameter variables

Our technique uses this column's front page as a live example. If you wish to follow the tutorial with the front page visible for reference, you may view it:

in a new window (all)

in-page as an IFRAME
to be inserted at
page top or
page bottom (IE4 only)

When you are done, you may:
close the window or
remove the IFRAME.

In longer script listings, cross-browser code is blue, Navigator-specific code is red, and Explorer code is green.

Border Styles:

types of borders

Note: The CSS1 specification also includes the dotted and dashed border styles. Neither 4th generation browser, however, supports these.

Positioning the Segments

Next on our agenda is deciding where we want the page segments placed on our page. We will be creating two variables, leftPos and topPos, to store the left and top pixel positions of our segments, later. For now, let's discuss the three options we have for assigning values to these variables, or for that matter, to any positioned element in any technique:

1. no values
We can, if we wish, not assign any value to an element's left and top properties. The element will be placed in the page flow, where it would appear even if it was not a positioned element. This rule applies to both absolutely and relatively placed elements. For an example of absolute elements aligning with no coordinate values see column 4, Database Front End. For an example with relative elements, see column 2, Low Bandwidth Rollovers.

2. absolute pixel values
The most popular option will be this one. We know where we want the elements to appear, so we simply assign pixel integers either through scripting or directly in the elements STYLE rule.

3. values derived from scripting
Many times we know where we want the elements to be but we cannot be sure of the pixel coordinates on the user's browser window. The location may be different depending on the size of the window, or the font size the user has opted for locally. We can therefore position the elements after other elements have been positioned, using position properties, read by a script, from these other elements.

Positioning the Segments on the Front Page

In the front page example, we know for certain that the segments should be positioned at 170 pixels from the left. Why? Because the three text links are in a TABLE with a WIDTH of 147, and we want another 23 pixels of horizontal space for neatness and vertical alignment with the contents of the TABLE above it. Therefore, for the x-coordinate (left) of the segments, we use the second option above.

For the y-coordinate (top), we use the third option. Why? The ad may not load, for example. It's been known to happen. Since this column is written off-line, the ad doesn't load anyway, so a dummy would have to be used, or the ad vertical dimension would have to be added to a calculation. It is easier to say, "Place the segment at a vertical position that is under the DHTML Lab logo with some added space." This method works for both browers. With Explorer, we could have gotten the link table's vertical position and used that.

The Parameter Variables

Time to begin our script. We are writing for Navigator 4 and Explorer 4 for Windows, filtering out Explorer 4 for the Macintosh:

isMac = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac")!=-1) ? 1 : 0;
NS4 = (document.layers) ? 1 : 0;
IE4 = (document.all && !isMac) ? 1 : 0;
ver4 = (NS4 || IE4) ? 1 : 0;
if (ver4) {
  prefix = "seg"
  firstSeg = "Intro";
  footerEl = "end";   // if no footer, assign null
  footerElSpace = 30; // overlooked if above is null
  leftPos = 170;  // if option 1 or 3, above, assign null
  topPos = null;  // if option 1 or 3, above, assign null
  margRight = 20; // for NO right margin, assign 0
  padding = 5;       // for NO padding, assign 0
  backCol = "white"; // for transparent, assign null
  borWid = 2;         // for no border, assign null
  borCol = "#993366"; // overlooked if borWid is null
  borSty = "solid";   // overlooked if borWid is null

If you have been following these columns, you are very familiar with our parameter variable method of dynamically creating customized CSS stylesheets for both browsers.

First we assign the prefix we have used in our segment IDs (seg)to the prefix variable. The ID of the first segment (minus the prefix) is assigned to firstSeg, and the full ID of the final footer segment is stored in footerEl. If there is no footer element then this variable should get a null value. We need some vertical space between the segments and the footer, so we store a pixel value in footerElSpace. If there is no footer, this variable will be not be referenced.

Next we declare our position coordinate variables: leftPos and topPos. If we want the segment to be placed in the page flow (option 1), then we assign null. The same applies if we are going assign a value later through script (option 3). For proper screen formatting, we declare margRight, to store the segment's distance from the right edge of the window, in essence, its wrapping width.

The remaining variables we've used before and are pure styling variables. Any padding to be added is assigned to padding. If we want a background color for the segment we give backCol a color value. For a transparent segment element, assign null to backCol. If we want a border, we give borWid a pixel value. If we don't, we assign null. The border color and border style variables (borCol and borSty) are overlooked if borWid is null. For an illustration of border styles refer to the left column.

The External Script

As usual, our main script (segments.js) will be external, and generic, allowing several pages to use it with different on-screen results, depending on the parameter values:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
if (ver4) {
document.write("<SCRIPT // keep with next line
  LANGUAGE='JavaScript1.2' SRC='segments.js'><\/SCRIPT>");

Just Before Page Load

Just before the page has completely loaded, prior to the </BODY> tag, we must place our segment elements in their final position, primarily for the benefit of Navigator, which cannot resize scrollbars to accommodate page length changes. If all elements are positioned before page load, then the Navigator window will size to enclose the largest (vertically and horizontally) element, avoiding the possible partial hiding of elements, later. This technique is discussed in detail in column 12, Expandable Outlines. We, therefore, call the initIt() function, from our external script, to initialize our page before it has fully loaded.

If we have chosen to dynamically position our elements, either vertically or horizontally, now is the time to define leftPos or topPos, or both, just before initIt() is called. This is up to you and depends on your page and if you want to use dynamic positioning at all. For the sake of example, we have included the code used in the front page:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
/* the next three lines are specific to the front page
example. We find the top position of the logo,
add to it the logo height (which gives us the
logo bottom edge), and give topPos a
value 15 pixels below that.
Give any scripted value to leftPos or topPos here! */
im = document.images["imLogo"];
yPos = (NS4) ? im.y : im.offsetTop;
topPos = yPos + im.height + 15;
initIt(); // MANDATORY!
Time to move on to our external script, probably the simplest we have presented in a long time.

Produced by Peter Belesis and

All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.
Created: Mar. 11, 1998
Revised: Mar. 17, 1998

URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column16/segCSS.html