DHTML Jigsaw Puzzle: Cross-Browser; Solving | WebReference

DHTML Jigsaw Puzzle: Cross-Browser; Solving


The DHTML Lab Jigsaw Puzzle, Part IV: Cross-Browser
solving and setting the grid

Our random number generator, that creates x-y coordinates for piece positioning, remains exactly the same:

    function getRandNums(from,to){ temp = parseInt((Math.random() * (to-from)) + (from)); while (isNaN(temp)) { temp = parseInt((Math.random() * (to - from)) + (from)) } return temp }

Setting the Grid

Our setGrid() function is, again, a combination of the browser-specific codes, with no new statements.

    function setGrid() { gridWidth = (9/puzzAcross) * puzzWidth; gridHeight = (9/puzzDown) * puzzHeight; if (IE4) { elImGrid.style.width = gridWidth; elImGrid.style.height = gridHeight; elGrid.style.clip = "rect(0 " + puzzWidth + sp + puzzHeight + " 0)"; } else { elGrid.document.write("<IMG NAME='imGrid' SRC='grid.gif' WIDTH=" + gridWidth + " HEIGHT=" + gridHeight + ">"); elGrid.document.close(); elGrid.clip.right = puzzWidth; elGrid.clip.bottom = puzzHeight; } gridBut.value = "Grid ON"; if (isBroken) { elGrid.showIt(true) } }


Recall that in our HTML, we changed the function called by the Solve and Hint buttons to preSolve(), to avoid the double auto-solve problem. preSolve() filters any solve calls, disallowing solves, if:

  • the puzzle is already being auto-solved, or
  • the puzzle is not broken, or
  • a new puzzle is called for
    function preSolve(isFullSolve) { if (isSolving || !isBroken || isNewPuzz) { return }; solve(isFullSolve); }

If a solve should be allowed, preSolve() calls our old solve function.

solve() is a simple a combination of the two browser codes, with one important addition. If a full auto-solve is called for, that is, if isFullSolve is true, isSolving is set to true, allowing filtering of any further user presses of Solve:

    function solve(isFullSolve) { if (pieceToSolve > puzzPieces) { pieceToSolve = 1; return } isSolving = (isFullSolve) ? 1 : 0; tempEl = eval("PIECE" + pieceToSolve); if (tempEl.draggable){ if (tempEl != activeEl ) { if (IE4) {tempEl.style.zIndex = activeEl.style.zIndex + 1} else {tempEl.moveAbove(activeEl)} activeEl = tempEl; } flashTimer = setInterval("visToggle(" + isFullSolve + ")",100); } else { pieceToSolve++; solve(isFullSolve) }; }

Finally, let's look at the remaining miscellaneous functions of our main script.

Produced by Peter Belesis and

All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.
Created: Dec. 17, 1997
Revised: Jan. 18, 1998

URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column11/puzzCBsolve.html