DHTML Jigsaw Puzzle: NN4; The Complete Code (Puzzle SCRIPT)
The DHTML Lab Jigsaw Puzzle, Part III: NN4
SPECIAL EDITION; the director's cut 2/3
No browser detection is included. Navigator 4 is assumed. Browser detection will be added in the cross-browser version.
The two external scripts can be downloaded as a zip file.
The Main Puzzle Script (puzzExt.js)
puzzLeft = puzzTop = null; puzzWidth = puzzHeight = null; bordWidth = 3; puzzAcross = puzzDown = 5; isPuzzDraggable = true; isGrid = false; isNewPuzz = null; isCreated = null; piecesCreated = 0; pieceCount = 1; topCount = 0; isBroken = false; solvedCount = 1; pieceToSolve = null; flashTotal = 5; flashCount = 0; loadTotal = 3; loadCount = 0; tempEl = null; sp = " "; function whenLoaded() { loadCount++; if (loadCount < loadTotal) { return }; elPuzzle = document.elPuzzle; elBlank = elPuzzle.document.elBlank; elImage = elPuzzle.document.elImage; puzzImage = elImage.document.images["imOrig"]; elGrid = elPuzzle.document.elGrid; elControls = elPuzzle.document.elControls; gridBut = elControls.document.fmControls["gridBut"]; dragBut = elControls.document.fmControls["dragBut"]; if (isPuzzDraggable) { elPuzzle.draggable = true; } else { elPuzzle.draggable = false; dragBut.value = "Drag OFF"; } elPuzzle.clipLeft = elPuzzle.clipTop = 0; initPuzz("firstPic"); } function initPuzz(whichIm) { isNewPuzz = true; if (isBroken) { allDone(false) }; changeImage(whichIm); elPuzzle.visibility = "show"; isCreated = false; pieceToSolve = 1; } function changeImage(whichIm) { if (whichIm != "firstPic") { elImage.document.write("<IMG NAME='imOrig' SRC=" + whichIm + ">"); elImage.document.close(); } puzzWidth = puzzImage.width; puzzHeight = puzzImage.height; elPuzzle.clip.right = puzzWidth + (bordWidth*2); elGrid.clip.right = puzzWidth; elGrid.clip.bottom = puzzHeight; elControls.top = puzzHeight + (bordWidth*2); elControls.clip.right = puzzWidth elControls.clip.bottom = elControls.document.height; elPuzzle.clip.bottom = puzzHeight + elControls.document.height + (bordWidth*3); elPuzzle.left = (window.innerWidth-elPuzzle.clip.width)/2; } function createPieces(){ puzzPieces = puzzAcross * puzzDown; if (puzzPieces > piecesCreated) { makeStart = piecesCreated+1; for(i=makeStart; i<=puzzPieces; i++) { window.status = "Creating puzzle piece... " + i; eval("PIECE" + i + " = new Layer(puzzWidth)"); } piecesCreated = puzzPieces; } activeEl = eval("PIECE" + puzzPieces); } function createPuzzle() { if (!isCreated) { createPieces() }; pieceWidth = puzzWidth/puzzAcross; pieceHeight = puzzHeight/puzzDown; while (pieceCount <= puzzPieces) { pixT = topCount * pieceHeight; pixB = (topCount + 1) * pieceHeight; for (i=1; i<=puzzAcross; i++) { window.status = "Clipping image for piece... " + pieceCount; tempEl = eval("PIECE" + pieceCount); tempEl.document.write("<IMG WIDTH="+puzzWidth+" HEIGHT="+puzzHeight+" SRC="+puzzImage.src+">"); tempEl.document.close(); pixR = pieceWidth * i; pixL = pieceWidth * (i-1); tempEl.clip.top = pixT tempEl.clip.left = pixL tempEl.clip.right = pixR tempEl.clip.bottom = pixB tempEl.clipLeft = pixL; tempEl.clipTop = pixT; pieceCount++ } topCount++ } if (isGrid) { setGrid() }; isNewPuzz = false; isCreated = true; pieceCount = 1; topCount = 0; window.status = ""; } function breakUp() { puzzLeft = elPuzzle.left + bordWidth; puzzTop = elPuzzle.top + bordWidth; pieceToSolve = 1; if (isNewPuzz && isBroken) { allDone(false) }; if (isNewPuzz) { createPuzzle() }; if (isPuzzDraggable) { elPuzzle.draggable = false } elBlank.clip.right = puzzWidth; elBlank.clip.bottom = puzzHeight; elBlank.visibility = "show"; startL = 0; startT = elPuzzle.top; endL = window.innerWidth - puzzWidth; endT = elPuzzle.top + elPuzzle.clip.height - puzzHeight; for (i=1; i<=puzzPieces; i++) { putL = getRandNums(startL,endL); putT = getRandNums(startT,endT); tempEl = eval("PIECE" + i); tempEl.left = putL; tempEl.top = putT; tempEl.draggable = true; tempEl.visibility = "show"; } if (isGrid) { elGrid.visibility = "show" } isBroken = true; solvedCount = 1; } function getRandNums(from,to){ temp = parseInt((Math.random() * (to-from)) + (from)); while (isNaN(temp)) { temp = parseInt((Math.random() * (to - from)) + (from)) } return temp } function setGrid() { gridWidth = (9/puzzAcross) * puzzWidth; gridHeight = (9/puzzDown) * puzzHeight; elGrid.document.write('<IMG NAME="imGrid" SRC="grid.gif" WIDTH='+gridWidth+' HEIGHT='+gridHeight+'>'); elGrid.document.close(); gridBut.value = "Grid ON"; if (isBroken) { elGrid.visibility = "show" } } function solve(isFullSolve) { if (!isBroken) { return }; tempEl = eval("PIECE" + pieceToSolve); if (tempEl.draggable){ if (tempEl != activeEl ) { tempEl.moveAbove(activeEl); activeEl = tempEl; } flashTimer = setInterval("visToggle(" + isFullSolve + ")",100); } else { pieceToSolve++; solve(isFullSolve) }; } function visToggle(isFullSolve){ if (flashCount != flashTotal) { tempEl.visibility = (tempEl.visibility == "show") ? "hide" : "show"; flashCount++; } else { clearInterval(flashTimer); flashCount = 0; tempEl.visibility = 'show'; if (tempEl != elImage) { origPos() } if (isFullSolve) { pieceToSolve++; solve(true) } } } function origPos() { tempEl.left = puzzLeft; tempEl.top = puzzTop; tempEl.draggable = false; solvedCount++; if (solvedCount > puzzPieces) { allDone(true); } } function allDone(solved) { for (i=1; i
Go on to the Navigator puzzle drag script.
Produced by Peter Belesis and
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.Created: Nov. 27, 1997
Revised: Jan. 18, 1998
URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column10/allCode2.html