WebReference.com - Part 2 of Chapter 7 from Essential Blogging. From O'Reilly (4/5). | WebReference

WebReference.com - Part 2 of Chapter 7 from Essential Blogging. From O'Reilly (4/5).

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Essential Blogging, Chapter 7: Advanced Radio UserLand

Saving Your Customizations

When you change your theme (remember a theme is a collection of individual templates), any changes you've made to your existing templates are lost. For example, if you customize the Woodlands theme and then decide to experiment with the Space theme, your changes to the Woodlands theme are lost. Radio warns you about this, but most users are so used to clicking right through warning dialogs that it's very easy to lose your work.

To save a customized theme, go to the Themes page. A link in the first paragraph of the Themes page lets you create your own theme. Others will be able to download your customized theme if you choose to publish it. To share a theme you create, please see the Create Theme page accessed from the main Themes page (click on the Themes link in the Radio command bar).

Enabling Comments

UserLand offers a comments service to all Radio users, which works even if you publish your blog to your own web server instead of running your blog from UserLand. Comments are disabled by default. To enable comments, add the <%commentLink%> macro to your Item template.

  1. Click on the Prefs link in the Radio command bar.

  2. In the Weblog grouping, click on the Comments option.

  3. Click on the comments checkbox and then click Submit.

  4. Now you need to modify your template to allow comments to be added. Click on Prefs again and then click on Templates.

  5. Under Templates, click on the Item template.

  6. Paste the text <%commentLink%> into the edit after the <%editButton%>. This places the link to the comment tool on the left hand side of the screen below your post.

  7. Click Submit to save your change.

  8. Reload your blog.

To disable the comments, go to the Prefs page and simply remove the <%commentLink%> macro.

The standard Radio comment tool has limitations, such as relatively slow performance, no ability to delete comments, and no notification to authors of comments. There are other services offering Radio-compatible comment engines, such as https://rateyourmusic.com/yaccs/.

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Created: October 14, 2002
Revised: October 14, 2002

URL: https://webreference.com/authoring/blogging/chap7/2/4.html