XML tool links - exploring XML
The links below refer to collections of useful software and tools for
creating, processing and storing XML.
Public SGML/XML Software
- very long list of mainly publicly available software for XML. Again
from Robin Cover of Oasis, a "nonprofit, international consortium
dedicated to accelerating the adoption of product-independent formats
based on public standards." (from their Web site)
developerWorks : XML : Tools - Editing
- tools collection from different sources by IBM, who sells XML-related
software and provides consulting.
MSDN Online: XML Developer Center
- information on Microsoft XML tools and use of XML in Microsoft
products. Very Microsoft-centric. Surprise, surprise ;-)
- The Apache XML Project
- Open source XML software from the folks that brought you Apache, the
free, industrial-strength Web server that powers more than half of the
world wide Web sites.
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Produced by Michael Claßen
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.
URL: https://www.webreference.com/xml/links/tools.html
Created: Nov. 20, 1999
Revised: Dec. 09, 1999