XML news links - exploring XML | WebReference

XML news links - exploring XML

Links to sites on XML News
The links below refer to pages of several organisations tracking the development of XML technology and the industry.

Extensible Markup Language - Industry News
very comprehensive technology and industry watch from Robin Cover of Oasis, a "nonprofit, international consortium dedicated to accelerating the adoption of product-independent formats based on public standards." (from their Web site)

Cafe con Leche XML News and Resources
more focused view on new standards, tools, and projects from Elliotte Rusty Harold, writer and consultant.

developerWorks : XML : News - Current stories
news collection from different sources by IBM.

<?xml-hack?> developer news from the XML community
developer news "from the XML community", more accurately from an editor team.

XML.ORG Press Releases
press releases from the XML industry, mostly XML.ORG sponsors. "XML.ORG is a self-supporting community resource designed to provide a credible source of accurate, timely information about the application of XML in industrial and commercial settings. Hosted by OASIS ..." (from their Web site)
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Produced by Michael Claßen
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URL: https://www.webreference.com/xml/links/news.html
Created: Nov. 20, 1999
Revised: Dec. 09, 1999